Page 12 - 英文呈分貼題王6下(T1)
P. 12


                  Test1                              down in the river.                  G            2  never
                                                     Finally, when we got back to the ground, Dad  1  forward
                  Ai                                 did not let Mum know that he planned to buy  3  weather   4  clothes
                  1  victorious   2  trade           a new scarf and a brightly bracelet while we  5    leave   6  come/reach
                  3  mourners                        were having dinner together.        7  programme  8  tall

                  Aii                                Test2                               H
                  1  It was because England was a very   A                               1  B          2  C
                  poor country at that time and the people   1  D   2  C          3  B   3  B          4  A
                  were also quarrelling over religion and   4  D    5  B
                  many  other  issue.  England  was  also  in   6i  phobias   6ii panic  I
                  danger of war with France.                                                    A Singing Contest
                  2  Queen Elizabeth I loved music and   B                               Erica and Felix entered a singing
                  riding.                            1  According to the passage, we should   competition  last  Monday.  They
                  3  Yes,  I  think  that  Queen  Elizabeth  I   start cleaning our homes seven days before   prepared well for the competition.
                  was a good person.It is because she led   the first day of Chinese New Year.    Miss Ho announced “The competition
                  England to defeat the strong, rich France.  2  'Reunion' means 'a gathering for people   starts now.”
                                                     to meet again’ in paragraph 4.      Erica was the first to preform.
                  B                                  3  People hang red couplets on the wall   When she sang.She was calm and
                  1  started     2  went             because they believe that the lucky words   beautifully. Classmates also enjoyed
                  3  have been   4  became           will bring them good health and luck in the   it  very  much.  When  it was  Felix’s
                  5  was playing   6  were singing   coming year.                        turn, he was nervous and could not
                  7  will you do   8  celebrating    4  No, she cannot give red packets to her   sing. All the classmates did not laugh
                  9  buys        10  is preparing    friends in the coming Chinese New  Year   at him. Instead, they supported him.
                                                     because only married people have to give   They shouted boldly ‘Felix you can
                  C                                  red packets to their unmarried relatives or   do it! Don’t be scared!’
                  1  excited about  2  scared of     friends.                            Finally he tried his best to sing. He
                  3  calm down   4  dress up         5  Free answer.                     sang beautifully.  All the classmate
                  5  proud of    6  worried about                                        were surprised and clapped loudly.
                  7  disappoinated with              C                                   Miss Ho announced the results.
                  8    ashamed of                    1  eating      2  found    3  up    Both Erica and Felix won in the
                                                     4  at          5  are      6  in    competition.  They were happy and
                  D                                  7  felt        8  for      9  took   thanked all the classmates.
                  1  B           2  D          3  D  10  in         11 with     12  for
                  4  A           5  B/D/C/A
                                                     D                                   Test3
                  E                                  1  explored> explore                A
                  1  are fried   2  are cut into dice.  2  thinks> thought               1  B          2  D
                  3  Some turnips are cooked for 2 to 3   3  excited> exciting           3  C          4  B
                  minutes.                           4  worring> worried                 5  Sydney/ Melbourne/ Brisbane/
                  5  The mixture is steamed for about 1   5  nor> or                     Perth/ Canberra
                  hour.                              6  to^ > her
                                                     7  day> days                        B
                  F                                  8  exhausting> exhausted            1  sunny      2  rain
                  a  Mount Faber or World Trade Centre  9  sleep> asleep                 3  wind       4  fog
                  b  8:30 am to 9 pm                 10  frightening> frightened         5  in         6  clouds
                  c  Cable Car ticketing counters    11  Lucky> Luckily                  7  along      8  t o
                  d  2250244                         12  yourselves> yourself            9  stormy
                                                     13  promise> promised
                  G                                  14  her> herself                    C
                           The best boat trip                                            1  either     2  o r
                  Yesterday  was  Mum’s  birthday  and  Dad   E                          3  neither    4  nor
                  bought a beautiful scarf for her.Then   1  E      2  F          3  B   5  either     6  or
                  Dad brought us to the boat trip in town.   4  D   5  G          6  H   7  neither    8  nor
                  We could learn a lot of different wildlife
                  from this trip. We saw a very big beautiful   F                        D
                  yellow bird on the tree.           1  dressed up   2  looking for      1  rain/ wind   2  sun/ sunny
                  Suddenly, a strong  wind was appeared.  3  got away   4  gets into     3  wind/ windy  4  misty
                  It blew away my Mum’s scarf, Mum was   5  have set off   6  broke down  5  storm     6  chill
                  upset because that was her birthday gift,   7  makes up   8  find out
                  we tried to catch it,however it still fell

                                                               尖子樂園英文呈分模擬試卷                                         75
                                                               第三次呈分試-試卷 答案

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