Page 18 - 英文呈分貼題王6下(T1)
P. 18

Reported speech

                 Direct speech                                      Indirect speech

                 Simple present                                     Simple past

                 He said, “I have breakfast every                   He said that he has breakfast every
                 morning.”                                          morning.

                 Present continuous                                 Past continuous
                 He said, “l am going home.”                        He said that he was going home.

                 Present perfect                                    Past perfect
                 I have never been to an exhibition                 Helen said that she had never been to
                 before, Helen said.                                an exhibition before.

                 Simple past                                        Past perfect
                 I bought the latest virtual reality                Joanna explained that she had bought

                 headset yesterday, Joanna explained                the latest virtual reality headset the
                                                                    day before.

                 Past perfect                                       (no change)
                 The concert had already started when               My friends told me (that) the concert
                 we arrived at the concert hall, my                 had already started when they had

                 friends told me.                                   arrived at the concert hall.

                 “will”                                             “would”

                 She said, “I will help my mom.”                    She said that she would help her mom.

                 “can”                                              “could”

                 You can talk to the social worker about  Amy told me (that) I could talk to the
                 your problem, Amy told me.                         social worker about my problem.

                 “may”                                              “might”
                  The show may overrun, the organizer               The organizer explained that the show
                 explained.                                         might overrun.

                 “must”                                             “had to”
                 "To be champions, you must work very  The coach told us (that) to be

                 hard!" the coach told us.                          champions, we had to work very hard.

 Appendix: Essential English Grammar for Primary School  Appendix: Essential English Grammar for Primary School     83

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