Page 18 - 英文呈分貼題王5下(卷1)
P. 18
Reported speech (cont')
Direct speech Indirect speech
I, me, my He/ she, him/ her, his/ her
We, us, our They, them, their
You, your He/ she/ they, him/ her/ them, his/ her/ their
Mine/ yours, ours/ yours His/ hers, theirs
We also need to change determiners such as ‘this/these’,
and expressions of time and place accordingly when we
use reported speech:
Direct speech Indirect speech
now then
today that day
tomorrow the next/ following day
yesterday the day before/ the previous day
two days ago two days before
last Monday the previous Monday
next week the following week
here there
this that
these those
ago before
today that day
yesterday the day before
tomorrow the next day
86 Appendix: Essential English Grammar for Primary School Appendix: Essential English Grammar for Primary School