Page 13 - 英文呈分貼題王5下(卷1)
P. 13



          Ai.                   B.                                         C.                  Di.

          1.C                   1.(Before hunt), hunting                         1.B
          2.B                   2.(to got the golden egg), get             2.on                2.D
          3.A                   3.(you  get a prize), will                 3.with              3.B
          4.D                   4.(as fast  we could), as                        4.A
          5.B                   5.(remembered on the map), on              5.for               5.C
                                6.(we find the golden egg), found          6.into              6.D
          Aii.                  7.(We share the chocolate eggs), shared    7.from              7.A
          1.scientist           8.(an unforget day),unforgettable
          2.studying                                                             Dii.

                                                                           10.about            1.visit

         1.The school head of Happy Primary School is Mr Chan.             F.
         2.The people should come to school at 8:15am.                     1.have not been     5.seeing
         3.No, they do not have to wear their PE uniforms.                 2.visited           6.rained
         4.The pupils shouldn’t shout loudly when they are looking at animals.           7.were
         5.All pupils should speak politely and take care of one another.  4.asked             8.tasted
         6.(Open answer)                                                                       9.have come
           e.g. I want to Hong Kong Wetland Park because it is interesting and                 10. will still live

         I want to be a policewoman. Yesterday, I was on the way to school. I saw a woman holding a heavy box, but no one offered to
         help her. Suddenly, the woman fell on the ground and dropped her box.

         I saw a policewoman run to the old lady, and asked her 'Miss, are you OK? Is there anything I can help you with?'

         'I think I broke my leg! Besides, I need to give this box to my boss, so could you please help me?' the woman replied.

         'Sure, I'll call the ambulance and take this for you!' The policewoman took the box and ran away.

         After that, I ran to the woman and offered to wait for the ambulance with her. The doctors arrived shortly, checking her leg when
         I checked my watch.

         'Oh no! It's ten o'clock ALREADY!' I thought. I need to go to school urgently. Nonetheless, I didn't make it to school on time.

         I explained to the teacher what happened, and luckily she didn't punish me. That night, after watching the news about a robbery
         case, I decided on becoming a policewoman. At the very least, I could catch robbers and keep our city safe.

      74        尖子樂園英文呈分模擬試卷

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