Page 9 - 英文呈分貼題王5下(卷1)
P. 9


          E.  Betty is reading some information about a trip to Hong Kong Wetland Park.
             Read the information and answer the questions in complete sentences. (14% @2%+4%)

                                Happy Primary School

             1st November, 2019

             Dear Parents and Pupils,

             Field Trip to Hong Kong Wetland Park

             Upper primary pupils will have their yearly field trip to Hong Kong Wetland
             Park on Thursday 15th November, 2019.  Please note the following:

             ●School  buses  will  be  leaving  at  eight  thirty  on  the  morning  of  the  15th
               November, 2019. Pupils should arrive at school at least 15 minutes before the

               school buses leave. Please be punctual.

             ●Pupils do not have to wear school uniform. Don't forget a cap to keep the sun
               off your head and bring some sun cream too.

             ●Lunch  will  not  be  provided,  so  pupils  should  bring  a  lunchbox  with  them.
               Pupils may also bring some refreshments or no more than $80 to buy a snack
               or an ice-cream.

             ●During the trip, pupils are expected to behave well. All pupils should speak
               politely and take care of one another.

             ●Remember to respect the animals. Don't shout loudly when you are looking at
               them. You might scare them. Pupils should speak softly.

             ●School buses will return to school at 4:30p.m

             Please make sure that you have carefully read the above. Enjoy your trip!

             Mr Chan

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