Page 3 - 英文呈分貼題王5下(卷1)
P. 3


          Test 1                                                      Time: 55mins

                                                                      Marks: ___ /100


          Ai. Betty is reading a magazine. Read the magazine and blacken the best answer.
             (10% @2%)

                             Professor Stephen Hawking

          Stephen Hawking is a famous scientist. He was born on 8 January, 1942, in Oxford,
          England. His father wanted him to become a doctor, but Stephen was more interested
          in space and the night sky. Stephen was not a hardworking student, but he was very
          curious. Once, he built a computer from recycled parts to see how it was made. He
       5-  liked asking questions and figuring out problems for himself.

          Stephen went to Oxford University in England at the age of 17 to study Physics. In
          his spare time, he enjoyed dancing and rowing. When he was 21,Stephen became ill.
          Doctors told him that he had a disease which affected the muscles in his body. They
          said he only had two years to live. This made Stephen want to work hard and live a full
      10-  life. Stephen married his girlfriend Jane in 1965,and they had two children. Stephen
          has written many famous books and has taught in universities around the world. He has
          also won many prizes for his research into space, including the Albert Einstein Award.
          This is a very impressive achievement. Owing to his illness, Stephen became mute. He
          is unable to speak or walk. He has to use a wheelchair. What's more, with the help of
      15-  a special computer programme, he can choose words with his cheek, and the words are

          turned into a computerized voice. He can also choose the words he wants to write down
          and save them as text. This method allowed Stephen to write his most famous book, 'A
          Brief History of Time'.

          1.  Why is Stephen described as 'curious' in line 4?                                         2
             ○A. He was quite lazy
             ○B. He liked to learn about computers
             ○C. He liked to learn new things
             ○D. He liked dancing

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