Page 183 - The Story of My Lif
P. 183
It is my earnest wish to share my happiness with others, and I ask the kind
people of Boston to help me make the lives of little blind children brighter and
Lovingly your little friend,
At the end of June Miss Sullivan and Helen went home to Tuscumbia.
Tuscumbia, Alabama, July 9th 1892.
My dear Carrie—You are to look upon it as a most positive proof of my love that
I write to you to-day. For a whole week it has been “cold and dark and dreary” in
Tuscumbia, and I must confess the continuous rain and dismalness of the
weather fills me with gloomy thoughts and makes the writing of letters, or any
pleasant employment, seem quite impossible. Nevertheless, I must tell you that
we are alive,—that we reached home safely, and that we speak of you daily, and
enjoy your interesting letters very much.
I had a beautiful visit at Hulton. Everything was fresh and spring-like, and we
stayed out of doors all day. We even ate our breakfast out on the piazza.
Sometimes we sat in the hammock, and teacher read to me. I rode horseback
nearly every evening and once I rode five miles at a fast gallop. O, it was great
fun! Do you like to ride? I have a very pretty little cart now, and if it ever stops
raining teacher and I are going to drive every evening. And I have another
beautiful Mastiff-the largest one I ever saw—and he will go along to protect us.
His name is Eumer.
A queer name, is it not? I think it is Saxon. We expect to go to the mountains