Page 184 - The Story of My Lif
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next week. My little brother, Phillips, is not well, and we think the clear

               mountain air will benefit him.

               Mildred is a sweet little sister and I am sure you would love her. I thank you very
               much for your photograph. I like to have my friends’ pictures even though I

               cannot see them. I was greatly amused at the idea of your writing the square
               hand. I do not write on a Braille tablet, as you suppose, but on a grooved board
               like the piece which I enclose. You could not read Braille; for it is written in
               dots, not at all like ordinary letters. Please give my love to Miss Derby and tell
               her that I hope she gave my sweetest love to Baby Ruth. What was the book you
               sent me for my birthday? I received several, and I do not know which was from
               you. I had one gift which especially pleased me. It was a lovely cape crocheted,
               for me, by an old gentleman, seventy-five years of age. And every stitch, he
               writes, represents a kind wish for my health and happiness. Tell your little
               cousins I think they had better get upon the fence with me until after the
               election; for there are so many parties and candidates that I doubt if such
               youthful politicians would make a wise selection. Please give my love to Rosy
               when you write, and believe me, Your loving friend

               HELEN KELLER.

               P.S. How do you like this typewritten letter?

               H. K.


               My dear Mrs. Cleveland,

               I am going to write you a little letter this beautiful morning because I love you

               and dear little Ruth very much indeed, and also because I wish to thank you for
               the loving message which you sent me through Miss Derby. I am glad, very glad
               that such a kind, beautiful lady loves me. I have loved you for a long time, but I
               did not think you had ever heard of me until your sweet message came. Please
               kiss your dear little baby for me, and tell her I have a little brother nearly sixteen
               months old. His name is Phillips Brooks. I named him myself after my dear
               friend Phillips Brooks. I send you with this letter a pretty book which my teacher
               thinks will interest you, and my picture. Please accept them with the love and
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