Page 10 - Why Your Website Needs Technical Maintenance And Optimization Every Month
P. 10
How We Optimize
Websites for Top Scores
In order to optimize your website like the screenshot above, All these red arrows are the things that need drastic improvement.
you first need to run several tests to find out what’s wrong. If you compare ours to the screenshot above, you can see the load
We offer completely free website audits to show you what time of less than just a second. This site with a 10.2 -second load
needs to be fixed before you can get the results you want. time will never rank on mobile. And at the far right, you’ll see the
Second, you need a plan of action to fix everything that is amount of requests is up to 230 and ours just 0.9s. The lower the
broken on your website. And third, you need an ongoing number of requests means fewer files and scripts to open until your
monthly plan to keep your site optimized. page shows up. These are all the things that usually need to be
IIt’s necessary to have a continuous plan because every time
you add new content or something on the web changes,
your website will need to be updated.
As new technology emerges, and Search Engines continue to
make updates and changes, your website will also change. As
we analyze sites each month, we typically see a 5% drop in
optimization. And after two or three months, unless some
action is taken, your website will fall below the minimum
standards of your website and blog content ranking. This is
what most websites usually look like when they first come to
us for help.
Monthly Website Technical Maintenance And Optimization 9