P. 4
Donatto Punyed Technical Project Manager
I manage multiple projects for the Tokyo Olympics on the
Operations & Technology side, which spans coverage across
Telemundo and NBC. This year, the NBCU Sports team based
in Stamford will be producing three Olympics coverage events
(soccer - preliminary, tennis and wrestling) at Telemundo Center.
In a previous world, the Stamford team would have traveled to
Tokyo to build and use multiple control rooms for such a huge
event. However, due to the pandemic, the technical plan has
been reduced to one production control room (PCR) onsite
in Tokyo and the rest across Stamford, New York and Miami.
Given this set-up, at Telemundo Center, we will be onboarding
57 NBCU staff from Stamford, plus more than 100 staff
dedicated to the Telemundo Deportes coverage. With the help
of the Engineering and Tech Production teams, we will be
prepping one Studio, two control rooms, and two off-tube
booths (whisper booths) with all programming to be done in
HDR at 1080p with 5.1 Audio.
In my role, I have served as a liaison between the Telemundo
and Stamford teams to ensure ongoing communication,
identify risks and mitigate any issues. I have also served as the
project lead for the new Virtual Studio at Telemundo Center, a
massive green screen wall with a backend workflow of
Chyron’s VSAR which is powered by Unreal4 gaming engine. We
Olympics Jam: “Someday” by Flipsyde can’t wait for you to see what we have in store!