P. 8
Enrique Bertran
Director, Production,
Telemundo Deportes
As Production Director, my role for the Olympics will be
comprised of multiple tasks! One of my main duties will
be to manage the content for Telemundo’s afternoon
block of the weekday Olympic programming, hosted
by Jessica Carrillo and Karim Mendiburu. The show will
be a combination of Olympic events, news, social
content and lifestyle stories, coming straight from
Tokyo. Additionally, I’ll be overseeing the production
of our daily live social “Titulares y Más” franchise and
our “TYM Olímpico” segments scheduled for publishing
on Peacock. On the weekends, my team will also help
produce the long blocks of Olympic programming on
Telemundo and Universo.
While coverage of the Games is complex
My job requires many meetings with different teams, to plan and execute, it is an extremely
such as Sales, Graphics and Tech Production and rewarding event to watch unfold. A lot of
more, to make sure everything goes as planned. planning and collaborating goes into the
Collectively, we have many years of experience production, so we always hope our
producing Spanish-language Olympics coverage, so audience appreciates the effort!
much of the process is taking learnings from previous
Olympics and applying them to our current plan. This Olympics Jam: “Olympic Fanfare”
is the 5th Summer Olympic games I am part of (my first by John Williams
during the pre-HD days of Athens 2004), and it is by far
my favorite event to work.