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Dispute Resolution and Corporate Law
A Profesor Dr. Choong Yeow Choy, yang he Hon. Judicial Commissioner Professor
dilahirkan di Butterworth, Pulau Pinang, Dr. Choong Yeow Choy, who was born in
memiliki Ijazah Sarjana Muda Undang- Butterworth, Penang, holds a Bachelor of
YUndang (LL.B.) dari Universiti Malaya, T Laws (LL.B.) from the Universiti Malaya, a
Ijazah Sarjana Undang-Undang (LL.M.) dari Harvard Master of Laws (LL.M.) from Harvard University, and
University, dan Ijazah Doktor Falsafah (Ph.D.) dari a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from the University of
University of Melbourne. Melbourne.
Dr. Choong telah mendedikasi seluruh Dr. Choong has dedicated his entire career to
kerjayanya kepada perkhidmatan awam. Sebelum public service. Prior to his elevation as a Judicial
dilantik sebagai Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman Mahkamah Commissioner of the High Court of Malaya in March
Tinggi Malaya pada Mac 2023, beliau merupakan 2023, he was a Professor at the Faculty of Law,
seorang Profesor di Fakulti Undang-Undang which he joined as a tutor in 1987. At Universiti
Universiti Malaya di mana beliau menyertai fakulti Malaya, he served with dedication in numerous
sebagai pengajar pada tahun 1987. Di Universiti committees at both the faculty and central levels,
Malaya, beliau berkhidmat dengan penuh dedikasi including as Dean of the Faculty of Law and a
dalam pelbagai jawatankuasa di peringkat fakulti member of the University Senate.
dan pusat, termasuk sebagai Dekan Fakulti Undang-
Undang dan Ahli Senat Universiti. During his time at the University, Dr. Choong
distinguished himself as a scholar of international
Sepanjang tempoh beliau di Universiti, Dr. standing. His expertise in the area of Resolution
Choong telah menonjol sebagai seorang sarjana of Transnational Commercial Disputes has been
yang berprestij di peringkat antarabangsa. acknowledged and recognised by his peers in the
Kepakaran beliau dalam bidang Resolution of international arena. His appointments as Visiting
Transnational Commercial Disputes telah diakui dan Professors by top ranked universities such as the
diiktiraf oleh pakar-pakar di arena antarabangsa. National University of Singapore, the University
Lantaran, beliau pernah dilantik sebagai Profesor of Hong Kong, the University of Tokyo, Kyushu
Pelawat oleh universiti-universiti terkenal seperti University, Southwest University of Political Science
National University of Singapore, University of and Law and other universities bear testimony to
Hong Kong, University of Tokyo, Kyushu University,