Page 134 - Buku Istiadat Konvokesyen Universiti Malaya ke 64 EBOOK
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Southwest University of Political Science and his standing as an expert in this field of study.
Law dan universiti lain, ini adalah bukti statusnya He has also collaborated with experts from many
sebagai pakar dalam bidang yang dinyatakan. Beliau jurisdictions on a number of book projects and
juga telah bekerjasama dengan pakar-pakar dari has published extensively. His publications have
pelbagai negara dalam beberapa projek buku dan been cited by the Courts in Malaysia (including the
telah menerbitkan banyak penulisan termasuk yang Federal Court) and Singapore.
telah dipetik oleh Mahkamah Malaysia (termasuk
Mahkamah Persekutuan) dan Singapura. Dr. Choong’s leadership and stature in the legal
field have not gone unnoticed by the Government
Peranan kepimpinan dan kedudukan beliau of Malaysia. He was the first academic to be
dalam bidang undang-undang tidak terlepas dari appointed as an eminent member of the Judicial
perhatian Kerajaan Malaysia. Beliau adalah ahli Appointments Commission by the Prime Minister.
akademik pertama yang dilantik sebagai Ahli He has also served as a member of the Monetary
Suruhanjaya Pelantikan Kehakiman oleh Perdana Penalty Review Committee of Bank Negara
Menteri. Beliau juga pernah berkhidmat sebagai Malaysia—an appointment made by the Minister of
ahli Jawatankuasa Semakan Penalti Monetari Bank Finance.
Negara Malaysia – satu pelantikan yang dibuat oleh
Menteri Kewangan. Dr. Choong has made significant and impactful
contributions to the area of social sciences in
Dr. Choong telah memberikan sumbangan yang general, and to the field of law in particular. These
signifikan dan berimpak dalam bidang sains sosial contributions are evident through his numerous
secara umum dan dalam bidang undang-undang publications and papers presented at international
secara khususnya. Sumbangan beliau terbukti oleh conferences, seminars, and workshops. On that
pelbagai penerbitan dan kertas kerja yang dibentang basis, in 2023, Dr. Choong was admitted as a Fellow
di persidangan antarabangsa, seminar, dan bengkel- of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia. He is also a
bengkel. Atas dasar itu, pada tahun 2023, Dr. Fellow at the Asian Institute of Alternative Dispute
Choong telah diterima sebagai Felo di Akademi Resolution.
Sains Malaysia. Beliau juga merupakan Felo di Asian
Institute of Alternative Dispute Resolution. Currently, Dr. Choong is an Executive Council
Member of the ASEAN Law Association of Malaysia,
Kini, Dr. Choong merupakan Ahli Majlis Eksekutif a Board Member of the Seven Pillars Institute, an
ASEAN Law Association of Malaysia, Ahli Lembaga Advisory Editor to the Malaysian Civil Procedure in
Seven Pillars Institute, Penyunting Penasihat 2018, 2021 and 2024 as well as a panelled Arbitrator
Malaysian Civil Procedure 2018, 2021 dan 2024 and Mediator at various arbitration and mediation
serta Ahli Panel Penimbang Tara dan Pengantara di centres. He was also the Chair of the Asian Law
pelbagai pusat timbang tara dan mediasi. Beliau juga Institute (ASLI), a Trustee of the Tun Suffian
pernah merupakan Pengerusi Asian Law Institute Foundation, an Editorial Advisory Board Member
(ASLI), Pemegang Amanah Tun Suffian Foundation, of Halsbury’s Laws of Malaysia, the Chief Editor of
Ahli Lembaga Penasihat Editorial Halsbury’s Laws the Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law, an
of Malaysia, Ketua Penyunting Journal of Malaysian Advisory Board Member for the International Law
and Comparative Law, Ahli Lembaga Penasihat Education and Internationalization of Law at Syiah
International Law Education and Internationalization Kuala University Aceh, Indonesia, an Executive
of Law di Syiah Kuala University Aceh, Indonesia, Council Member of the Inns of Court Malaysia,
Ahli Majlis Eksekutif Inns of Court Malaysia, Ahli a founding member of the Malaysian National
Pengasas Malaysian National Committee of the Committee of the International Academy of
International Academy of Comparative Law dan Ahli Comparative Law and a member of the Governing
Majlis Pentadbiran ASEAN Legal Information Centre. Council of the ASEAN Legal Information Centre.
Di Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya, YA Profesor Dr. On the Bench at the High Court of Malaya, The
Choong Yoew Choy menyumbang secara berterusan Hon. Judicial Commissioner Professor Dr. Choong
kepada bidang perundangan melalui penerbitan Yeow Choy continues to contribute to the legal
Alasan Penghakimannya. Beliau juga terus profession and field of law through the publications
menerima jemputan untuk berkongsi pandangan of his Grounds of Judgment. He also continues
dan menyampaikan pendapatnya di persidangan dan to receive invitations to share his thoughts and
seminar di peringkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa. present his views at conferences and seminars, at
both the national and international level.