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di  peringkat  PhD  di  University  of  Wales  College   his studies at the PhD level at the University of
        of Medicine, Cardiff dan berjaya menamatkan   Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff and successfully
        pengajian diperingkat PhD pada tahun 1993. Beliau   completed  his  PhD  level  1993  and  was  the  first
        merupakan  staf  klinikal  Fakulti  Perubatan  yang   clinical staff of the Faculty of Medicine to obtain
        pertama mendapat ijazah PhD.
                                                    a PhD. Upon his return to his homeland, he began
            Sekembalinya ke tanah air, beliau memulakan   serving as a Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine,
        khidmat sebagai pensyarah di Jabatan Perubatan   UM and a Medical and Endocrinology Consultant at
        Fakulti Perubatan, Universiti Malaya serta memberi   the UM Medical Center (PPUM). He was promoted
        perkhidmatan sebagai Pakar Perunding Perubatan   to Associate Professor on 12th July, 1995 and then
        dan Endokrinologi di Pusat Perubatan UM (PPUM).   Professor on 11th October, 2001 and at the same
        Beliau dinaikkan pangkat ke Profesor Madya pada   time was appointed Senior Consultant at PPUM. On
        12 Julai 1995 dan seterusnya Profesor pada 11   December 16, 2010, he was promoted to Professor
        Oktober, 2001 dan sekali gus di lantik sebagai Pakar   Grade VK5.
        Perunding Kanan di PPUM. Pada 16 Disember 2010,   On 1st August, 2001, he was appointed as
        beliau dinaikkan ke Profesor Gred VK5.      Deputy Dean at the Faculty of Medicine, initially in
            Dari  segi  kepimpinan,  beliau  telah  dilantik   the research portfolio followed by the first degree
        sebagai Timbalan Dekan di  Fakulti Perubatan  pada   portfolio. He was then appointed as the Dean of
        1 Ogos 2001 di mana pada permulaan memegang   the  Faculty  of  Medicine  on  September  1,  2006.
        portfolio penyelidikan diikuti dengan portfolio   At the same time, he was also appointed as the
        ijazah  pertama.  Seterusnya  beliau  dilantik  sebagai   Director of the UM Medical Center. He served as
        Dekan Fakulti Perubatan pada 1 September 2006.   Dean until June 30, 2011. During that time, research
        Pada masa yang sama beliau juga memimpin Pusat   activities were enhanced by establishing various
        Perubatan Universiti Malaya sebagai Pengarah. Beliau   centers of research excellence such as Clinical
        berkhidmat sebagai Dekan sehingga 30 Jun 2011.   Investigation Center, CeRIA (HIV Research), UMCRI
                                                    (Cancer Research), NOCERAL (Orthopedic Surgery
            Semasa  pentadbiran  beliau  sebagai  Dekan,
        aktiviti  penyelidikan telah dipertingkatkan dengan   Research), SUCXes (Xenobiotic Research), TIDREC
        penubuhan  beberapa  pusat  kecemerlangan   (Tropical Infectious Disease Research), UMRIC
        penyelidikan seperti Clinical Investigation Centre   (Imaging  Research)  etc.  The  infrastructure  at
        (CIC),  The  Centre  of  Excellence  for  Research  in   the Faculty is also improved such as the Student
        AIDS  (CERiA), UM Cancer Reasearch Institute   Cetrepoint,  Dean’s  Office,  Multi-Disciplinary
        (UMCRI), National Orthopaedic Center of Excellence   Laboratory Block etc. As Director of PPUM he has
        for  Research  and  Learning  (NOCERAL),  Tropical   greatly improved the infrastructure of PPUM to
        Infectuous Desease Center (TIDREC) dan beberapa   improve the quality of patient care. He started
        pusat penyelidikan lain.                    the development of an IT system for patient
                                                    care  (iPesakit)  which  can now compete  with
            Infrastruktur di Fakulti juga dipertingkatkan   commercial systems from western countries. He
        antaranya Student  Centrepoint, Pejabat Dekan,   also started the process of upgrading facilities
        Blok Makmal Pelbagai Disiplin, Auditorium Klinikal   such as operating theaters, Intensive Care Wards
        dll. Sebagai Pengarah PPUM, beliau telah banyak   (ICU, CICU, NeuroICU), Outpatient Clinics etc.
        menambah baik infrastruktur PPUM untuk
        meningkatkan kualiti penjagaan pesakit. Beliau   PPUM has successfully obtained accreditation
        telah memulakan pembangunan sistem IT untuk   from  MSQH  in  December,  2012  in  all  fields  and
        penjagaan pesakit (iPesakit) yang sekarang dapat   is  the  first  Teaching  Hospital  to  obtain  such
        menandingi  sistem  komersial  dari  negara  barat.   accreditation.
        Beliau juga telah memulakan proses menaik       He has also received recognition by being
        taraf fasilti seperti dewan bedah, Wad Penjagaan   appointed as a member of the Malaysian Medical
        Intensif (ICU, CICU, NeuroICU), Klinik Pesakit Luar
        dan sebagainya.
            Hasil daripada penambahbaikan tersebut,
        PPUM telah berjaya mendapat akreditasi dari MSQH
        pada Disember, 2012 dalam keseluruhan bidang
        dan merupakan Hospital Pengajar pertama yang
        mendapat akreditasi tersebut. Beliau juga telah
        mendapat pengiktirafan dengan lantikan sebagai

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