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P. 92

                                                   ADEEBA KAMARULZAMAN

                                                   Infectious /Communicable Diseases

               ato’  Profesor  Dr.  Adeeba  Kamarulzaman,   ato’ Professor Dr. Adeeba Kamarulzaman
               dilahirkan pada 16 Disember 1963, di Kota   was born on 16 December 1963, in Kota
               Bharu, Kelantan. Beliau menamatkan          Bharu, Kelantan. She completed her
        Dpengajian dalam bidang perubatan di        Dmedical  studies  at  Monash  University  in
        University  Monash  pada  tahun  1987  seterusnya   1987 and subsequently received the Fellowship
        menerima Fellow Royal Australasian College of   of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians
        Physicians (FRACP) pada tahun 1995.
                                                    (FRACP) in 1995.
            Dr. Adeeba merupakan pakar penyakit berjangkit   Dr. Adeeba is an infectious diseases specialist
        (infectious diseases) yang telah bertanggungjawab   who was responsible for establishing the Infectious
        menubuhkan Unit  Penyakit Berjangkit di Pusat   Diseases Unit at Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya
        Perubatan Universiti Malaya (PPUM) pada tahun 1997.   (PPUM) in 1997. To date, the unit has grown into a
        Sehingga kini Unit berkenaan telah berkembang   national and international referral centre and has
        menjadi pusat rujukan di peringkat nasional dan   successfully trained many specialists in this field
        antarabangsa serta berjaya melatih ramai pakar   throughout the country.
        dalam bidang tersebut di seluruh negara.
                                                        Her  leadership  in  academic  leadership  was
            Kewibawaan  beliau  dalam  kepimpinan   truly outstanding during her tenure as the Dean
        akademik sangat cemerlang semasa menjadi    of Faculty of Medicine (2011-2019), particularly
        Dekan Fakulti Perubatan (2011-2019) khususnya   in revamping the curriculum of the Bachelor of
        melaksanakan rombakan ke atas kurikulum program   Medicine and Surgery (MBBS) program to make it
        Sarjana  Muda  Perubatan  dan  Pembedahan  (MBBS)   a modern, internationally competitive integrated
        hingga menjadikannya program bersepadu yang   program.  She  was  also  responsible  for  the
        moden, berdaya saing di peringkat antarabangsa.
        Beliau juga bertanggungjawab dalam pembangunan

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