Page 80 - Istiadat Konvo UM ke 62_Neat
P. 80

bagi petugas kesihatan di PPUM dari tahun 1999   manager education programme for healthcare
        ke 2004, kemudian program tersebut diserap dan   providers from 1999 to 2004 at UMMC, after
        diperkembangkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan   which the programme was continued and
        sebagai sebahagian daripada projek pendidikan   expanded by the Ministry of Health as part of
        diabetes. Profesor Chan juga mengangkat nama   their diabetes education project. Professor Chan
        PPUM sebagai pusat kecemerlangan bagi kajian   also helped to establish UMMC as a centre of
        klinikal dengan menjayakan usaha sama ujian-  excellence for clinical research by successfully
        ujian klinikal antarabangsa Fasa 2 dan Fasa 3 yang   getting involved in internationally renowned
        terkenal, iaitu kajian ADVANCE, kajian CHARISMA,   Phase 2 and Phase 3 collaborative clinical trials,
        FACT-International dan ujian-ujian klinikal Fasa 3   namely the ADVANCE study, CHARISMA study,
        lain dalam penyelidikan DPP4-inhibitors, SGLT2-  FACT-International and other Phase 3 clinical
        inhibitors, agen penurunan lipid dan osteoporosis.   trials in DPP4-inhibitors, SGLT2-inhibitors, lipid-
        Hasil ujian-ujian tersebut telah memperbaharui   lowering agents and osteoporosis research.
        amalan-amalan klinikal bidang perubatan,    Results from these trials have changed the
        terutamanya di dalam bidang perawatan diabetes.  practice of clinical medicine, especially in the field
            Di luar akademia, Profesor Chan memainkan   of diabetes management.
        peranan aktif dalam pertubuhan-pertubuhan      Outside the academia, Professor Chan is
        profesional tempatan dan antarabangsa. Beliau   actively involved in many local and international
        merupakan mantan Presiden Malaysian Endocrine   professional organisations. She is the immediate
        and Metabolic Society (MEMS) bagi tahun 2020-  past President of Malaysian Endocrine and
        2022 selepas berkhidmat sebagai Bendahari   Metabolic Society (MEMS) 2020-2022 after having
        Kehormat bagi tahun 2016-2020. Beliau juga   served as Honorary Treasurer 2016-2020 and
        merupakan ahli majlis ASEAN Federation of   she was a council member of ASEAN Federation
        Endocrine Societies (AFES) bagi tahun 2020-2022.   of Endocrine Societies (AFES) 2020-2022.  She is
        Profesor Chan ialah mantan Presiden Malaysian   also the immediate past President of Malaysian
        Osteoporosis Society (MOS) bagi tahun 2006-  Osteoporosis Society (MOS) 2006-2010 and
        2010 dan 2018-2022. Selain itu, beliau berkhidmat   2018-2022. She is on the editorial board of
        sebagai ahli lembaga pengarang bagi jurnal rasmi   Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia, the official journal
        Asian Federation of Osteoporosis Societies (AFOS),   of Asian Federation of Osteoporosis Societies
        iaitu Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia. Selaku ahli aktif   (AFOS). As an active member and President of
        dan Presiden Persatuan Diabetes Malaysia dari   Diabetes Malaysia from 2001 to 2005, she was
        tahun 2001 ke 2005, Profesor Chan terlibat dalam   involved in organising diabetes camps to provide
        penganjuran kem-kem diabetes bagi memberi   training to young children and teenagers with
        latihan kepada kanak-kanak dan remaja yang   type 1 diabetes so that they can learn to live
        menghidapi diabetes jenis 1 untuk membantu   healthily.
        mereka menjalani kehidupan yang sihat.
                                                       Professor Chan has spearheaded the
            Profesor Chan menerajui penerbitan Panduan   development of Clinical Practice Guidelines
        Amalan Klinikal (Clinical Practice Guidelines,   (CPG) on Management of Type 2 Diabetes and
        CPG) untuk Rawatan Diabetes Jenis 2 sebagai   acted as the Chairperson for the third edition
        Pengerusi edisi ketiga (2004) dan edisi keenam   (2004) and the sixth edition (2020), as well as
        (2020), dan Pengerusi Bersama penerbitan CPG   the Co-Chairperson for CPG on Management
        on Management of Osteoporosis bagi tahun 2001,   of Osteoporosis (2001, 2006 and the updated
        2006 dan edisi dikemaskini pada tahun 2015. Garis-  edition in 2015). These important guidelines,
        garis panduan ini telah disokong oleh Kementerian   fully endorsed by the Ministry of Health, enhance
        Kesihatan bagi mengukuhkan kefahaman dan    understanding and assist Malaysian doctors as
        membantu para doktor serta pengamal perubatan   well as healthcare providers to deliver the best
        di Malaysia memberikan rawatan diabetes jenis   evidence-based standard of care for Malaysians
        2 dan osteoporosis yang terbaik, berdasarkan   with type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis. She was

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