Page 31 - Senarai Nama Graduan Istiadat Konvokesyen Universiti Malaya ke 62
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33. Mohamad Harris bin Nasir
Tajuk Tesis : Population Genetics and Anticoagulant Resistance of Rattus tiomanicus in Oil Palm
Plantations Inferred from VKORC1 Gene Mutations
Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Hasmahzaiti binti Omar / Dr. Muhamad Shakirin bin Mispan /
Professor Dr. Subha a/p Bhassu
34. Mohammed F.H. Elturk (Palestine)
Tajuk Tesis : Environmental Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution at Selected Mangrove
Estuaries in Selangor, Malaysia
Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Rozainah binti Mohamad Zakaria / Dr. Rosazlin binti Abdullah
35. Moh’d Kh. M. Abu El Sheikh (Jordan)
Tajuk Tesis : The Moment of Inertia and The Energy Spectrum of Low Excited States of Even-Even
Deformed Nuclei in Rare-Earth Region
Penyelia : Professor Dr. Hasan bin Abu Kassim
36. Mohd Adreen Shah bin Azman Shah
Tajuk Tesis : Growth and Properties of Polar and Non-Polar InGaN/GaN LEDs on Patterned and
M-Plane Sapphire Substrates
Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Ahmad Shuhaimi bin Abu Bakar
37. Muhammad Farhan bin Abd Wahab
Tajuk Tesis : Biogeography and Systematics of The Eulipotyphlans (Genus Chimarrogale, Hylomys and
Crocidura) from Peninsular Malaysia
Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Hasmahzaiti binti Omar
38. Muhammad Firdaus bin Aziz (Tesis Cemerlang)
Tajuk Tesis : Predicting Mortality of Malaysian Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Subtypes
Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches
Penyelia : Dr. Sorayya Bibi Malek binti Malek Abd Rashid / Professor Dr. Sazzli Shahlan Kasim
39. Muhammad Rafiq bin Mohd Isa
Tajuk Tesis : The Role of Kenaf Fibre and Montmorillonite Clay on The Enhancement of The Properties
of Polyhydroxybutyrate Composites
Penyelia : Professor Dr. Aziz bin Hassan / Dr. Nor Mas Mira Abd Rahman
40. Nadia binti Samsudin
Tajuk Tesis : mHealth Apps Assessment Among Malaysian Postpartum Women with Obesity and
Penyelia : Dr. Hashem Salarzadeh Jenatabadi /
Associate Professor Dr. Che Wan Jasimah bt Wan Mohamed Radzi
41. Nassrin Badroon (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
Tajuk Tesis : In Vitro and In Vivo Assessment of Antiproliferative, Apoptotic and Antitumorigenic
Effects of Cardamonin Against HEPG2 Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells
Penyelia : Professor Dr. Nazia binti Abdul Majid / Professor Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Mahdi Alshawsh
42. Noor Fazila binti Mohamed Yahaya
Tajuk Tesis : Effects of Pleurotus pulmonarius (Fr.) Quel on Cholesterol Level, Muscle Contractility,
Tissue Condition and Serum Metabolomic Profile in Hypercholesterolemic-Induced Rats
Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Norhaniza binti Aminudin
43. Nor Syazwani binti Zainal Abidin
Tajuk Tesis : Genesis and Paleoenvironment of The Paralic Neogene Coals in The Mukah-Balingian
Area, Central Sarawak Basin, Malaysia
Penyelia : Dr. Khairul Azlan bin Mustapha
44. Norshahirah binti Mohamad Saidi
Tajuk Tesis : Rational Design of Pan:P(VP-co-VAc) Polymer Blend Gel Electrolyte Incorporating
Functional Additives For Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Penyelia : Professor Dr. Ramesh a/l T. Subramaniam / Associate Professor Dr. Ramesh Kasi