Page 26 - Senarai Nama Graduan Istiadat Konvokesyen Universiti Malaya ke 62
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38.  Rafidah binti Lani
               Tajuk Tesis : Regulation of Toll-Like Receptor-Mediated Innate Immune Response in Chikungunya
               Virus-Infected and Fisetin-Treated Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma HUH7 Cells
               Penyelia : Dr. Teoh Boon Teong / Professor Dr. Sazaly bin Abu Bakar
        39.  Rathimalar a/p Ayakannu
               Tajuk Tesis : Genetic Profiling and Linkage Analysis of Chromosome 5Q31-33 Cytokines and Their
               Association with Plasma IGE Levels in Malaysian Asthmatics
               Penyelia : Honorary Professor Dr. Liam Chong Kin / Honorary Professor Dr. Nor Azizan binti Abdullah
        40.  Samira Mohajer    (Iran)
               Tajuk Tesis : The Effect of Professional Portfolio Learning Program on Professional Self Concept and
               Competency Among Nursing Students in Iran
               Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Tang Li Yoong / Associate Professor Dr. Chong Mei Chan /
               Dr. Mahmoud Danaee
        41.  Sivasangkary a/p Gandhi
               Tajuk Tesis : Interaction of Human Papillomavirus E7 Protein with P130 in The Pathogenesis of
               Cervical Cancer
               Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Muhammad Fazril bin Mohamad Razif /
               Associate Professor Dr. Nurshamimi bte Nor Rashid / Associate Professor Dr. Shatrah binti Othman
        42.  Soraya Malekzadeh    (Iran)
               Tajuk Tesis : The Effect of Educational Intervention on Knowledge and Adherence to Healthy Lifestyle
               and Health-Related Quality of Life Among Patients with Cardiac Syndrome X
               Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Chong Mei Chan / Associate Professor Dr. Tang Li Yoong
        43.  Tah Pei Chien  (Tesis Cemerlang)
               Tajuk Tesis : Metabolic Determinants of Resting Energy Expenditure and Optimization of Nutritional
               Therapy Guided by Indirect Calorimetry Among Mechanically Ventilated Critically Ill Patients
               Penyelia : Professor Dr. Mohd. Basri Mat Nor
        44.  Tan Ting Ting
               Tajuk Tesis : Suffering and Mindful Gratitude Journaling in Palliative Care
               Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Tan Seng Beng / Professor Dr. Tan Maw Pin
        45.  Thalwaththe Gedara Nadeeka Shayamalie Gunarathne    (Sri Lanka)
               Tajuk Tesis : Factors Associated with Fatigue Among People with Kidney Failure During The First Six
               Months of Initiating Haemodialysis in Sri Lanka
               Penyelia : Professor Dr. Khatijah binti Abdullah @ Lim Geok Khim  / Professor Dr. Lim Soo Kun /
               Associate Professor Dr. Tang Li Yoong / Dr. Nishantha Nanayakkara
        46.  Thava Malar a/p Changra Lingam
               Tajuk Tesis : Proteomics and Toxinological Characterization of The Venoms of Eastern Russell’s Viper
               (Daboia Siamensis) from Thailand and Indonesia
               Penyelia : Dr. Tan Kae Yi / Associate Professor Dr. Tan Choo Hock
        47.  Tong Wen Ting
               Tajuk Tesis : Developing and Evaluating Strategies to Implement An Insulin Patient Decision Aid in An
               Academic Primary Care Clinic in Malaysia
               Penyelia : Professor Dr. Ng Chirk Jenn / Dr. Lee Yew Kong
        48.  Wan Najdah binti Wan Mohamad Ali
               Tajuk Tesis : Denv-Infected Aedes Mosquito from Dengue Hotspot Areas in Kuala Lumpur and
               Selangor, Malaysia: Maps of Their Distribution, Resistance Status and Enzymatic Activities
               Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Zurainee binti Mohamed Nor / Professor Dr. Yvonne Lim Ai Lian
        49.  Yamuna a/p Sucedaram
               Tajuk Tesis : The Effect of High-Fat Style Diet and Ovariectomy on Inflammation and Baroreflex
               Control of Renal Sympathetic Nerve Activity
               Penyelia : Professor Dr. Ruby binti Husain / Professor Dr. Nor Azizan binti Abdullah

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