Page 25 - Senarai Nama Graduan Istiadat Konvokesyen Universiti Malaya ke 62
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27.  Nazirah binti Amran
                       Tajuk Tesis : Modulation of Cell Cycle Progression and Induction of Apoptosis in Lung Adenocarcinoma
                       Cell Lines Upon Treatment with Tualang Honey
                       Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Puteri Shafinaz Akmar binti Abdul Rahman /
                       Professor Dr. Cheng Hwee Ming
               28.  Ng Pei Sze
                       Tajuk Tesis : Association of PALB2 Variants with Risk to Breast Cancer and Molecular Characterization
                       of PALB2 Tumors
                       Penyelia : Professor Datin Paduka Dr. Tee Soo Hwang
               29.  Nithiah a/p Thangiah
                       Tajuk Tesis : A Longitudinal Analysis in The Clustering of CVD Risk Factors among Adolscents in
                       Malaysia: Findings from The MyheartsStudy
                       Penyelia : Professor Dr. Hazreen bin Abdul Majid / Honorary Professor Dr. Tin Tin Su
               30.  Nor Aziyan binti Yahaya
                       Tajuk Tesis : Development of A Self-Care Education Intervention Program and its Effectiveness
                       Outcomes among Women with Breast Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy
                       Penyelia : Professor Dr. Wong Li Ping / Professor Dr. Khatijah binti Abdullah @ Lim Geok Khim /
                       Professor Dr. Nor Zuraida binti Zainal
               31.  Noor Hanita binti Zaini
                       Tajuk Tesis : Effectiveness of A Web-Based Education Application On Psychological Symptoms and
                       Pain Following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery
                       Penyelia : Professor Dr. Khatijah binti Abdullah @ Lim Geok Khim /
                       Professor Dr. Shahrul Bahyah binti Kamaruzzaman
               32.  Noor Shuhada binti Salleh
                       Tajuk Tesis : Affiliate Stigma, Resilience and Quality of Life Among Parents of Children with Autism
                       Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Two Public Hospitals in Kelantan, Malaysia: A Mixed Methods Study
                       Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Tang Li Yoong / Associate Professor Dr. Subhashini a/p Jayanath /
                       Professor Dr. Khatijah binti Abdullah @ Lim Geok Khim
               33.  Nor I’zzati binti Saedon
                       Tajuk Tesis : Evaluation of Orthostatic Hypotension Among The Community Dwelling Older Persons
                       Penyelia : Professor Dato’ Dr. Wan Azman bin Wan Ahmad / Professor Dr. Tan Maw Pin
               34.  Nur Fazidah binti Asmuje @ Asmuzi
                       Tajuk Tesis : The Relationship between Beat-to-Beat Blood Pressure Variability and Cognitive Function
                       Penyelia : Professor Dr. Tan Maw Pin
               35.  Nur Zati Iwani binti Ahmad Kamil
                       Tajuk Tesis : Non-Traditional Component of Metabolic Syndrome in Children with Obesity:
                       Assessment of Tg: Hdlc-Ratio as Insulin Resistance Component
                       Penyelia : Professor Dr. Muhammad Yazid bin Jalaludin / Dr. ‘Abqariyah binti Yahya @ Ahmad Noor /
                       Dr. Fazliana Mansor
               36.  Praneetha Palasuberniam
                       Tajuk Tesis : Venom Proteomics, Toxicity and Cross-Neutralization of Samar Cobra (Naja Samarensis)
                       from The Southern Philippines
                       Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Tan Choo Hock / Dr. Tan Kae Yi
               37.  Radha a/p Maniam
                       Tajuk Tesis : Exploring End of Life Care Preferences among Individuals Living with Long-Term
                       Haemodialysis Treatment using Q Methodology
                       Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Chong Mei Chan / Professor Dr. Tan Maw Pin

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