Page 22 - Senarai Nama Graduan Istiadat Konvokesyen Universiti Malaya ke 62
P. 22
Doktor Pengurusan
Doctor of Management
1. Abdul Razak bin Md Naser
Tajuk Disertasi : The Mediating Role of Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence in the Relationship
between Transformational Leadership and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour
Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Norizah binti Mohd Mustamil
2. Anusha a/p Bhaskaran
Tajuk Disertasi : A Framework on Domains of IT Governance for Assessing IT Initiative - A Case Study
of a Manufacturing Firm
Penyelia : Professor Dr. Noor Ismawati binti Jaafar
3. Muhamad Zafran bin Whab @ Hassan Basari
Tajuk Disertasi : Turnover Intention in the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN): A study on Work-Family
Interference, Organisational Commitment and Meaningful Work Practices
Penyelia : Dr. Raida binti Abu Bakar
4. Samhasri bin Samah
Tajuk Disertasi : The Influence of Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation on Organizational
Commitment Among Malaysian Territorial Army Members
Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Chan Wai Meng / Dr. Yazkhiruni binti Yahya
5. Siti Haizam binti Mohd Zin
Tajuk Disertasi : The Effects of Organizational and Individual Factors on Job Performance in the
Malaysian Army: English Self-Efficacy as a Mediator
Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Mohammad Nazri bin Mohd Nor
6. Tay Yap Leong
Tajuk Disertasi : Retention of Specialised Navy Divers in The Royal Malaysian Navy Diving Unit
Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Sharmila a/p Jayasingam
Fakulti Perubatan
Faculty of Medicine
Doktor Falsafah
Doctor of Philosophy
Dengan Cemerlang
With Distinction
1. Lee Zheng Yii
Tajuk Tesis : Muscle Mass, Clinical Outcome and Protein Delivery in Critically Ill Patients
Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Barakatun Nisak Mohd Yusof / Professor Dr. Daren Heyland
2. Sivaneswari a/p Selvarajoo
Tajuk Tesis : Gravid Ovipositing Sticky Trap and Dengue NS1 Antigen Test Kit for Early Dengue
Surveillance in Selangor Malaysia: A Randomised Control Trial
Penyelia : Professor Datin Dr. Indra a/p Vythilingam / Associate Professor Dr. Romano Ngui