Page 23 - Senarai Nama Graduan Istiadat Konvokesyen Universiti Malaya ke 62
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3. Abdulaziz Mansoor Mohammed Al-Raimi (Yemen)
Tajuk Tesis : The Use of Mobile Applications in Promoting Asthma Knowledge and Quality of Life
among Schoolchildren with Asthma in Urban Malaysia
Penyelia : Professor Dr. Chua Yan Piaw / Associate Professor Dr. Chong Mei Chan /
Associate Professor Dr. Tang Li Yoong
4. Ain Zubaidah binti Ayob
Tajuk Tesis : Cellular and Molecular Signatures of Cancer Stem-Like Cells in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Penyelia : Dr. Thamil Selvee a/p Ramasamy / Dr. Nur Akmarina binti Mohd Said
5. Amirah Fatin binti Ibrahim
Tajuk Tesis : Community-Based Participatory Research to Enhance Social Participation and Improve
Health Status Among Older Persons
Penyelia : Professor Dr. Tan Maw Pin / Associate Professor Dr. Chong Mei Chan
6. Angeline Oh Mei Feng
Tajuk Tesis : Venom Proteomics of Selected Asiatic Kraits (Bungarus Spp.) and Neutralization of Their
Venom Toxicity
Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Tan Choo Hock / Dr. Tan Kae Yi / Professor Dr. Tan Nget Hong
7. Aya Ahmed Abousheishaa Mohamed Khalil (Egypt)
Tajuk Tesis : Assessment of Shared Decision Making in The Pharmacological Management of Major
Depressive Disorder: Towards A Patient, Physician and Pharmacist Centred Approach
Penyelia : Associate Profssor Dr. Ng Chong Guan / Associate Professor Dr. Hasniza binti Zaman Huri /
Professor Dr. Ahmad Hatim bin Sulaiman
8. Barathan a/l Muttiah
Tajuk Tesis : Anticancer Activity of Hyperforin Extract of St. John’s Wort Against Breast Cancer Cells:
Identification of Potential Death and Survival Pathways
Penyelia : Dr. Kumutha Malar a/p Vellasamy / Associate Professor Dr. See Mee Hoong /
Professor Dr. Jamunarani a/p S Vadivelu
9. Chaw Sook Hui
Tajuk Tesis : Optimizing Perioperative Pain Management: A Focus on Pain Interventions and Patient-
Reported Outcomes
Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Ina Ismiarti binti Shariffuddin / Associate Professor Dr. Lo Yoke Lin
10. Cheok Yi Ying
Tajuk Tesis : The Expression and Function of Podoplanin in Helicobacter Pylori-Infected Macrophages
Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Wong Won Fen / Professor Dr. Jamunarani a/p S Vadivelu
11. Chong Yoong Min
Tajuk Tesis : Viral Etiology of Community-Acquired Severe Acute Respiratory Infections in Adults in
Kuala Lumpur
Penyelia : Professor Dr. Jamal I-Ching Sam / Professor Dr. Chan Yoke Fun
12. Devi a/p Nallappan
Tajuk Tesis : Preventive and Reversal Effects of Myricetin Derivatives from Syzygium Malaccense on
High Fat Diet-Induced Obesity and its Related Complications in Mice
Penyelia : Professor Umah Rani a/p Kuppusamy / Professor Dr. Chua Kek Heng
13. Geetha a/p Nalairndran
Tajuk Tesis : A Kinase Shrna Library Screening to Identify Phosphoinositide-Dependent Kinase-1
(PDPK1) and Janus-Kinase 1 (JAK1) as Potential Targets for Treatment of Prostate Cancer
Penyelia : Professor Dr. Ivy Chung / Professor Dr. Azad Hassan Abdul Razack
14. Hamizah binti Haji Sa’at
Tajuk Tesis : Ovarian Cancer Risk Management in Malaysian BRCA Mutation Carriers: Development of
A Decision Aid
Penyelia : Professor Dr. Nur Aishah binti Mohd Taib / Dr. Lee Yew Kong