Page 24 - Senarai Nama Graduan Istiadat Konvokesyen Universiti Malaya ke 62
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15.  Hassan Almoustafa    (Syria)
               Tajuk Tesis : Targeted Polymeric Nanoparticle Formulation for The Treatment of Breast
               Cancer Metastasis
               Penyelia : Professor Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Mahdi Alshawsh / Professor Dr. Zamri bin Chik
        16.  Intan Sofia Omar
               Tajuk Tesis : Abnormal Progesterone Receptor Signaling in Endometrial Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts
               Contributes to Medroxy Progesterone Acetate Resistance in Endometrial Cancer
               Penyelia : Professor Dr. Ivy Chung / Professor Dr. Woo Yin Ling
        17.  Jamil Ahmed    (Pakistan)
               Tajuk Tesis : Assessment of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Water Quality and Health Risks in
               Primary Schools of Sindh, Pakistan
               Penyelia : Professor Dr. Wong Li Ping / Professor Dr. Chua Yan Piaw
        18.  Kamarulzaman bin Karim
               Tajuk Tesis : Mechanisms Underlying Protective Effect of Marantodes Pumilum Var. Alata
               (Kacip Fatimah) Leaves Against Bone Loss in Estrogen-Deficient Rats with and without Diabetes
               Penyelia : Dr. Giribabu Nelli / Associate Professor Dr. Naguib bin Salleh
        19.  Kogilavani a/p Subermaniam
               Tajuk Tesis : Neuroprotective Mechanisms of Brown Macroalga Padina Australis in the Mitigation of
               Oxidative Damage and Neuroinflammation in Depression
               Penyelia : Associate Professor Dr. Yoon Yen Yow
        20.  Lai Siew Tim  (Tesis Cemerlang)
               Tajuk Tesis : Mindfulness-Based Positive Psychological Interventions for People with Epilepsy
               Penyelia : Professor Dr. Lim Kheng Seang / Professor Dr. Low Wah Yun @ Sarinah Low
        21.  Lau Meng Fei
               Tajuk Tesis : Studies on Anti-Cancer Potential of Ganoderma Neo-Japonicum Imazeki Mushroom
                Against Colorectal Cancer Cells in High Glucose Condition
               Penyelia : Professor Dr. Umah Rani a/p Kuppusamy / Professor Dr. Chua Kek Heng /
               Professor Dr. S. Vikineswary Sabaratnam
        22.  Lim Chor Yin
               Tajuk Tesis : Investigation on The Molecular Mechanisms Associated with Medicinal Properties of The
               Fruit Extracts of Tamarindus Indica: In Vivo and In Vitro Studies
               Penyelia : Professor Dr. Sarni binti Mat Junit / Professor Dr. Azlina binti Abdul Aziz /
               Honorary Professor Dr. Onn bin Haji Hashim
        23.  Mawia Mohamed M. Beshti    (Libya)
               Tajuk Tesis : Perceptions on Childhood Obesity and Health Literacy Among Parents in West Libya
               Penyelia : Honorary Professor Dr. Tin Tin Su / Associate Professor Dr. Nik Daliana binti Nik Farid
        24.  Mila Nu Nu Htay    (Myanmar)  (Tesis Cemerlang)
               Tajuk Tesis : The Effectiveness of A Mass-Media Campaign on Breast Cancer Awareness and Screening
               Uptake Among Malaysian Women.
               Penyelia : Honorary Professor Dr. Tin Tin Su / Professor Dr. Maznah binti Dahlui
        25.  Muhammad Ashraf bin Khalid
               Tajuk Tesis : Development of A Men’s Health Index
               Penyelia : Professor Dr. Goh Kim Leng / Professor Dr. Ng Chirk Jenn
        26.  Mustafa Ahmed Al-Shagga    (Yemen)
               Tajuk Tesis : Investigating The Effects of Khat (Catha Edulis) on Selected Obesity Markers and
               Pathways C57BL/6J Male Mice
               Penyelia : Professor Datin Dr. Zahurin binti Mohamed /
               Professor Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Mahdi Alshawsh

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