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Call for Papers

         The Journal of International and Comparative Education (JICE) focuses on the emerging role of international
         and  comparative  education.  JICE  publishes  peer-reviewed  research  and  critical/theoretical  reviews  of
         issues in education as presented from a number of locations both at international and country levels. Some
         prominent issues may include, among others, education in the knowledge economy; education provision
         issues such as efficiency, effectiveness, access/equity, gender, culture and religion as well as teaching and
         learning, broadly defined. JICE provides theoretical and practical importance and relevance to scholars,
         policy-makers and practitioners alike with interest in the field of international and comparative education.
         The Journal of International and Comparative Education (JICE) is abstracted and indexed in the Australian
         Research  Council  (ERA  Journal  List),  Directory  of  Open  Access  Journals  (DOAJ),  Educational  Research
         Abstracts (ERA), Emerging Sources Citations Index (ESCI), Focus (Journals and Conference Proceedings),
         Malaysian Citation Index, UDLedge Social and Science and Humanities Citation Index (SS&HCI).

                Editorial Board                             International Advisory Board

         Chair: Lorraine Symaco                    Chair: Colin Brock †
              University of Malaya, Malaysia             University of Oxford, UK
         Marodsilton Muborakshoeva                 Keith Borien
              Institute of Ismaili Studies, London UK    Fort Hare University, South Africa
         Ellen Behrstock-Sherratt                  Robin Burns
              American Institutes for Research, USA      La Trobe University, Australia
         Mohd Asri Mohd Noor                       Gerald Fry
              Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia  University of Minnesota, USA
         Kentei Takaya                             Jiyeon Hong
              New York University Shanghai, China        Kyungmin College, Korea
         Tee Meng Yew                              Garry Hornby
              University of Malaya, Malaysia             Plymouth University, UK
         Yoko Tsuruta                              Yue Li
              Meiji Gakuin University, Japan             Tsinghua University, China
                                                   Francisco Lopez- Segrera
                                                         Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
                                                   Mohd Akhtar Siddiqui
                                                         Jamia Millia Islamia University, India
                                                   Shin’ichi Suzuki
                                                         Waseda University, Japan
                                                   Konai Helu Thaman
                                                         University of the South Pacific, Fiji
                                                   Keith Watson
                                                         University of Reading, UK

            Editorial correspondence should be addressed to the JICE Editor, University of Malaya Press, University of Malaya,
            Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia ( Owned and published by University of Malaya Press.
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