Page 3 - JICE Volume 6 Issue 2 FULL FINAL
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Learner-Centred eduCation in internationaL PersPeCtive

                                   Table of ConTenTs

             Governance and Academic Culture in Higher   Chuing Prudence Chou    Pg. 63-75
                 Education: Under the Influence of the   National Chengchi University
                 SSCI Syndrome                            Chi-Fong Chan
                                                     Macau Polytechnic Institute

             The Road Ahead for the Higher Education      Le Thi Kim Anh         Pg. 77-89
                 Sector in Vietnam                  Hanoi National University of
                                                          Martin Hayden
                                                     Southern Cross University

             Shadow Education in Malaysia: Identifying the   Chang Da Wan        Pg. 91-103
                 Determinants of Spending and Amount   Universiti Sains Malaysia
                 of Time Attending Private Supplementary   Benedict Weerasena
                 Tutoring of Upper Secondary School       Bait al Amanah

             Mobility, Mutual Recognition and ASEAN      Roger Y Chao Jr.       Pg. 105-121
                 Community  Building:  The  Road  to   UNESCO International Centre
                 Sustainable ASEAN Integration     for Higher Education Innovation

             Book Review: Education in Bhutan: Culture,   Mark Mancall          Pg.123-125
                 Schooling, and Gross National Happiness  Stanford University

             Book Review: Teaching and Learning in Lower   Meng Yew Tee         Pg.127-128
                 Secondary Schools in the Era of PISA   University of Malaya
                 and TIMSS

            Journal of International and Comparative Education, 2013, Volume 2, Issue 1   1
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