Page 14 - Soft City Sponsorship Package
P. 14
While this book ignores almost all Reviews from
of the fundamental questions a
good urbanist/designer/planner/
architect should ask about Readers
the (dis)functioning of cities in
the west (non-western cities
are totally ignored), it is still a
wonderful book.
First of all for its gorgeous Have you ever wondered why it is
illustrations and pictures and a pleasure to walk in downtown
secondly for its message that Amsterdam while walking in
people should be put first. Many downtown Houston is something
developments discussed create you try to avoid? This book will
hope for the future of western/ answer that question as it delves
European. into what makes a livable city
– Floris, March 23, 2021 focused on humans rather than
cars. It’s beautifully illustrated
with pictures and photographs,
so it is easy to see the points the
authors are trying to make. This
is well worth reading.
– Diz, Nov 16, 2021