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About The Publisher
Established in 1954, the University of The University of Malaya Press is an
Malaya Press is the oldest university press in award-winning publisher, accumulating
Malaysia. It operates from funds generated by over twenty major publishing awards won
its publications and printing services for the since 2012. Besides, the obvious focus
University of Malaya. It is long established in on academic research works, its interests
international publishing circles and publishes are in publications that contribute to the
a mix of about fifty Bahasa and English understanding of issues that affect the local
language titles a year. It has a backlist of and international community.
over 1200 titles, most of which are currently It also seeks to champion the arts and
available in physical or electronic form in the environment through its publications
eighty-seven countries worldwide. and is currently, also working on building a
list of biographies of local personalities.
University of Malaya Press 50603 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03 7967 5906 / 7957 4361 Fax: 03 7657 4473