Page 3 - Soft City Sponsorship Package
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magine waking up with a relaxing fresh Soft City begins with the big ideas of
environment from the open windows and happiness and quality of life, and then
Iconfidence moving through the day with shows how they are tied to the way
nature sounds. Soft City is about sharing, we live. The heart of the book is highly
calm, plurality, and simplicity. It’s about visual and shows the building blocks for
ease, comfort, and care in everyday life. neighborhoods: building types and their
Soft City is where density has a human organization and orientation; how we
dimension, adapting to our ever-changing can get along as we get around a city;
needs, nurturing relationships, and and living with the weather. As every
accommodating the pleasures of everyday citizen deals with the reality of a changing
life. To support a soft-city approach, how climate, Soft City explores how the built
do we move from the current reality in environment can adapt and respond.
most cities - separated uses and lengthy
commutes in single-occupancy vehicles Soft City offers inspiration, ideas, and
that drain human, environmental, and guidance for anyone interested in city
community resources? building. Sim shows how to make any city
more efficient, more livable, and better
In Soft City David Sim, partner and creative connected to the environment.
director at Gehl show how this is possible,
presenting ideas and graphic examples This book presents observations about
from around the globe. He draws from his some basic aspects of urban form and
vast design experience to make a case for urban design that can contribute to more
a dense and diverse built environment at sustainable and resilient communities and
a human scale, which he presents through healthier and happier lives for the people
a series of observations of older and who live in them. It is divided into three
newer places, and a range of simply built main chapters, each tackling one of the
phenomena, some traditional and some challenges of twenty-first-century life. A
new inventions. short essay appears between each chapter,
each exploring a key idea about sustaining
Sim shows that increasing density is quality of life in urban environments.
not enough. The soft city must consider
the organization and layout of the built
environment for more fluid movement and
comfort, a diversity of building types, and
thoughtful design to ensure a sustainable
urban environment and society.