Page 5 - Soft City Sponsorship Package
P. 5

David Sim of “Soft City”:
                   Making the Places We Live

                   More Human

                   David Sim is the Creative Director at Gehl, an urban research
                   and design consulting firm based in Copenhagen, Denmark.
                   Sim has just published a striking book, Soft City: Building
                   Density for Everyday Life (Island Press), which challenges us
                   to imagine what it might be like to design urban spaces as
                   habitats that invite human flourishing. I was honored to ask
                   David a few questions about the book.

                   — C. Christopher Smith
                   C. Christopher Smith: “Soft” isn’t a descriptor that most
                   people would typically use to describe a city. Can you
                   summarize what a soft city is, and name a few of the
                   virtues of this approach that distinguish it from other
                   approaches to urban design?

                   David Sim: Of course, a soft city might sound like an
                   oxymoron. I suppose many people perceive urban places and
                   urban life as hard, and often it is. At the same time, cities can
                   be places of invitation, innovation, creativity, and tolerance.
                   I think these phenomena are possible because cities have
                   the potential to accommodate a density of diversity, and this
                   diversity allows so much to happen. However, this diversity
                   of opportunities is only useful if it is accessible to many. I
                   think the key to this accessibility is softness — the “give”
                   which allows different activities and different people to co-exist
                   as good neighbors in the same place, different ways of moving
                   about and spending time to co-exist as good neighbors in the
                   same street, and all of this human life connected to and co-
                   existing with the cycles of the planet, being good neighbors
                   with nature.

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