Page 22 - HTUNA
P. 22

This is an allusion to divrei Torah, as the pasuk states, “  –And
                   you shall speak in them.” Similarly, one who humbles himself like the
                   desert merits that the Torah endures within him.
                   Why does the pasuk emphasize that Hashem spoke to Moshe in the
                   Wilderness of Sinai, as we already know where Moshe was? It hints to us
                   that when a person humbles himself like Har Sinai, making himself low
                   and insignificant, he merits attaining Torah. Likewise, it is only by means
                   of Torah study that a person can sense the truth in it and attain true

                   When Bnei Yisrael weakened in the few mitzvot they had been given,
                   Amalek attacked them. One who relaxes his Torah obligations will be easy
                   prey for the Yetzer Hara.

                   The day of Matan Torah can be called         (the Day of Torah), the
                   initials of which spell Hashem’s Name   . The last letters,  ,are
                   numerically equivalent to the word   (man). The word      (donor)
                   can also be found in this term. This teaches us that a person is required
                   to donate of himself only for the sake of Avodat Hashem, so that His
                   Name should rest upon him.

                   Why was it necessary for Moshe Rabbeinu to ascend to Heaven in order
                   to receive the Torah? Wouldn’t it have been preferable for Hashem to give
                   it to him on earth, avoiding the peril he was placed in when in Heaven?
                   This teaches us a tremendous lesson. The Torah demands that we should
                   ascend in spiritual matters with mesirut nefesh. Additionally, Moshe
                   nullified his physicality by fasting forty days and nights. This, too, shows
                   us that we must be willing to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of the Torah.
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