Page 32 - Straive eCoffee Table Book: EdTech Solutions
P. 32
A U.S.-based EdTech company sought help to annotate high volumes of
educational data within a limited time to improve comprehension and information
A U.S.-based EdTech company sought help to annotate high volumes of
retention among learners. The customer approached Straive to manage a
educational data within a limited time to improve comprehension and information
humongous volume of data annotation-related tasks to make learning more
retention among learners. The customer approached Straive to manage a humongous
efficient and effective.
volume of data annotation-related tasks to make learning more efficient and effective.
Backed by over 30+ years of experience in content and education publishing and
Backed by over 30+ years of experience in content and education publishing and
solid technological expertise, Straive was tasked to develop data decks (digital
solid technological expertise, Straive was tasked to develop data decks (digital data
data repository) with a short turnaround time to make learning effective for learners.
repository) with a short turnaround time to make learning effective for learners.
32 | EdTech Solutions | Maximizing content Value & Accuracy with data annotation