Page 13 - Straive eBook: Redefining Your Peer Review Experience
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Straive | Redefining Your Peer Review Experience 13
Soundness Novelty Clarifications
• Is the literature review • Does the research • A list of changes that
comprehensive? address an important would improve the
• Is the hypothesis well question? article
stated? • Does the research add • Confidential comments
• Is the research to the body of to the Editor, including
methodologically knowledge on its ethical concerns
sound? subject? • Recommendation
• Have appropriate
statistical tools been
applied to the results?
Figure 6.
A simplified peer review report structure
An alternative to report forms is direct “I don’t think there are
annotation of the article, in much the same hard and fast rules on
way as proofs during production can be the reviewing process
annotated for correction. Direct annotation
may be valued by reviewers who prefer to structures. The 1+2
comment on articles as they read, but systems practice is common
which require an internet connection do have in my area and is there
drawbacks for researchers who have unstable to ensure more than
or low-speed internet connections, either
because of their location or because they one-side evaluation is
choose to review on the move. Offline taken into account and
synchronisation is a potential solution to that the editor is able
this issue.
to make a final decision
The purpose of a peer review report is to when the two peer
enable the editor to make a decision based reviewers disagree.
on objective assessments of the article. While
two reviewers plus an editor is a commonly It works most of the
accepted standard, with the tools available times but it has obvious
today, it may be time to question whether both trade-offs (e.g. slow
with the tools available today, it may be time to timescale).”
question whether both reviewers must be
human. Could machine learning technology Dr Franco Zappettini, Lecturer
provide the necessary objective assessment of Department of Communication and Media
at the University of Liverpool