Page 104 - laten-08-06-2020
P. 104

as ‘trolling’. When we analyze the social media campaign of the
        reigning political party, we will realize that trolling was used as
        an effective tool or weapon to shut the voice of truth. Anyone
        who dared to question the policies or actions of the ruling party
        were and are targeted with merciless trolling by the Party’s IT
        cell. We can see two types of responses to this, first is counter
        trolling i.e. mocking the leaders of the Reigning party in return,
        and second is to rise above all types of trolling and speak the
        truth more clearly and loudly, either through words or through
        actions. In this scripture we see Jesus opting the second. Jesus
        actually moves beyond just overlooking his insult through
        mocking and asks forgiveness on behalf of the ones who were
        mocking/trolling him. Truly in the mockery of Christ, we end
        up looking at the love of the Triune God.
               Friends, we have entered a time where we as followers of
        Christ have to stand for truth and question/protest all types of
        injustice and sin. Others may mock and troll us, but let us not
        waver from our call and continue our  for justice and equity, in


               Gracious God, during this Lenten season, give us a new
        and expanded vision for our life. Help us to live a life of faith
        in the midst of struggles. Teach us to find hope in the face of
        adversity for you have overcome the world.  Amen

                                             Rev. R. Raja Baktha Singh
                                                 KanyaKumari Diocse

                        Lenten Meditations   Re - Imaging People
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