Page 134 - laten-08-06-2020
P. 134

laid in a cold tomb. She was determined to wash and anoint His
        body properly. So Luke 23:55–56 says she and the other Mary
        began the preparation of their own burial spices before the
        Sabbath began. Mark 16:1 adds that they purchased still more
        spices as soon as the Sabbath was officially over (sundown on
        Saturday). In spite of their deep grief, they earnestly desired to
        give the Lord a burial befitting His greatness and their profound
        love for Him.

        The First Witness of the Resurrection

               No woman ever became so famous so fast as Mary
        Magdalene did by this early morning act of devotion. All of
        womanhood has been raised to a higher level because of Mary's
        love and loyalty. Because of her the first word spoken by the
        risen Christ was woman, and the first name spoken was Mary.
        She was the first to see the risen Lord, and hear him speak. Her
        love kept her near the tomb when the doubts of others scattered
        them. Her love was rewarded with acts of love in return. A
        woman in deep devotion anointed Jesus for His burial, but the
        disciples did not understand. A woman in deep devotion was
        first at the tomb. The evidence is clear that women are more
        sensitive and loving in their devotion. No one among His male
        followers ever gave Him the comfort He needed. They slept
        while he sweat in agony. They ran, and they denied Him when
        He needed support. Only women anointed Him, showed Him
        love and hospitality, stood at the cross and rose early to come to
        the tomb. Obstacles did not hinder her. The fact that the tomb
        was guarded and sealed did not stop her. The fact that it was
        Passover, and all of Jerusalem would be filled with strangers, did
        not delay her. She was up and heading for the tomb while it was
        still dark.

               Mary was first at the tomb, and the first to see the
        risen Lord. Her great love motivated her, and Jesus honored
        that love by selecting her to be the first person to whom He
        revealed Himself alive. Peter and John were the two key leaders

                        Lenten Meditations   Re - Imaging People
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