Page 137 - laten-08-06-2020
P. 137
John and James
Intrigue for Power and Position
Mark 10:35-40
he season of lent always brings our attention to the cross as
Twell as the crucified Christ whose courage and determination
and determined walk to the cross reflects amazing love and
tender compassion. The cross was and is the climactic revelation,
the unveiling of eternal plan of God. And it is the greatest prize
that God has granted to us and it is the supreme price that He
paid for us.
Re-imaging of the thunderers
The cost of discipleship is the prominent theme in
Mark which envisages a relationship established by the call of
Christ and defined by His own faithfulness. Here the primary
requirements to become a disciple are suffering and servanthood.
The contrast between the standards of the cross and of the world
is nowhere dramatically set forth than in the request of James
and john and in the response of Jesus that we see in Mark 10;35-
45 which brings conflicting disagreement between the sons of
Zebedee and the Son of Man. They speak different language,
breathe a different spirit and express a different ambition. Here
Jesus re-images them who were craving for power by putting
three different choices.
Firstly, the choice between selfish ambition and sacrifice.
The brothers’ statement “we want you to do for us whatever we
ask” qualifies as the worst blatantly self-centred prayer. They
anticipated that there would be an unholy scramble for the most
honourable seats in the kingdom. Their request to “sit in state”
with Jesus was nothing but “a bright mirror of human vanity”.
Secondly, the choice between power and service. They wanted
power as well as honour. Thirdly choice was, and still is between
Lenten Meditations Re - Imaging People