Page 16 - Dinosaur Provincial Park
P. 16
Dr. Phillip Currie, the chief vertebrate paleontolo-
gist of the new $28-million Tyrrell Museum complex,
would like to see more thought put into the develop-
ment of Dinosaur Provincial Park. “It’s one of the
few things in the province that will draw people away
from Jasper and Banff. It is important to us that
people know what we are doing is important, or a
sense of excitement that what we are doing is inter-
esting. The more people the better, but on the other
hand we just have to make sure that it doesn’t
outstrip our ability to put people through the park in a
meaningful way.”
Time stands still at the badlands, and more prehistor-
ic wonders await.
Dr. Currie’s long-range goal is to eventually know
the park like the back of his hand.
Main entrance to the park (as photographed in 1986. Note
the petrified wood display in foreground.
A fine example of a clam shell bed discovery at
Dinosaur Provincial Park