Page 6 - Microsoft Word - Celebrating the Life and Legacy of J Jackson
P. 6

Dearest Mama

                                         I feel honored to have been your daughter,
                                          You always loved me unconditionally and
                                   Were the BEST mother anyone could have wished for.

                                             This is the legacy I have from you...

                                    You taught me how to love and fight for what’s right,
                                          A stronger person would be hard to find,

                                         Mom in your heart, you were always kind.

                                        You gave me the framework and foundation
                                               to be the best mother I can be.

                                  You taught me how to carry myself as a strong woman,
                                      giving me the tools I need to take care of myself.


                                                    To My Dear Momma

                                                You were my first best friend.
                        I could not have asked for a better, more perfect mother. You were the right
                    Balance of tough love and gentle kindness. You taught me to be bold and have the
                      Courage to walk into spaces and places that aligned with my goals. You taught
                Me to be serious, but not too serious to laugh. And not just any laugh, but the belly laughs
          That restore your spirit. Thank you for not shielding me from the world as it allowed me to always see
                                            and be prepared for the road ahead.
            While I miss you deeply and would give anything for one more day, I have memories for a lifetime
                                              That I will hold close to my heart.
          Your life and learnings live on in the people that you touched. I am here because you lived fully. I am
           smiling through my tears because you lived courageously. I will prioritize fun in my life because you
                                                 taught me what it looks like.
                  And I will continue to reach for the stars because you told me that they were in reach.
           You are no longer here for me to call each day, but you are also no longer trapped in a body that no
                            longer allowed you to reach for the stars. You are now in the stars.
                               Rest, be well and continue to take in those deep belly laughs.
                                                 You are still my best friend.

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