Page 89 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
P. 89
Part 2
Corporate Governance
4. Manage the business in compliance with the approved policy, plan and budget.
5. Authorizable to sign in any juristic contracts and legal documents in contact with external
organizations or persons to perform any action deemed necessary on behalf of the Company.
6. Set up the working conditions and operational practices for employees in compliance with the principles, regulations or orders assigned by the Board of Directors.
7. Have authority to authorize or assign others to perform some specific actions as long as such authorization complying with the principles, regulations or orders assigned by the Board of Directors. 8. Have authority to approve the investment in fixed assets, loaning or other investment, borrowing or applying for credits from financial institutions, the advanced budget and expenses, contingent liabilities/ aval/ guarantee, the working plan/ budgeting/ procurement of products and services for sales promotion, and the procurement and maintenance of assets budget as assigned by the Board of Directors. 9. Perform any other tasks assigned by the Board of Directors and/or the Executive Committee.
Chief Executive Officer or the person authorized by Chief Executive Officer shall not approve or get involved with or join the business that he/she may have conflicts of interest, gain / loss of benefits in any aspects with the Company or its subsidiaries.
Any authority to do the acts that could lead to conflicts of interest between Chief Executive Officer or stakeholders and the Company as specified in the law and the Securities and Exchange Commission or the Stock Exchange of Thailand Act shall not deem to be under the authority of Chief Executive Officer to judge or vote by himself/herself or his/her authorized person. Such acts shall be proposed for approval from the Audit Committee and Board of Directors and/or shareholder meeting (depend on the case) in compliance with the regulations of the Company and the law.
Scope of duties and responsibilities of Managing Director
1. Review the business policy, business plan, objectives, and budget to propose for the Board of Directors‘ approval.
2. Report the operating results to the Executive and Sustainable Development Committee Meeting every month.
3. Formulate the internal working regulations or rules within the Company.
4. Put in a position, appoint, dismiss, transfer, promote, demote, reduce salary or wage, disciplinary punish or dismiss employees according to the assigned authority.
5. Determine the working conditions of the staff and employees and implement working procedures which are not against or contradict the regulations or orders specified by the Board of Directors.
6. Sign in the internal announcements or orders within the Company.
7. Approve the Company’s expenses within the limits specified in the delegation of authority table. 8. Perform other tasks as assigned by the Chief Executive Officer.
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Union Auction Public Company Limited