Page 15 - Highlights 2020 FINAL
P. 15
July 5th, 2017
by Grace Palermo ‘24
To the boy I never knew but will always remember
I look into life’s reflection just to see you in it
I never got to see you smile
I never heard you laugh
And I didn’t see you grow
I wish I could have
I wish someone still could
I wish my prayers saved you
Your name is forever carved into my heart with a knife of guilt
For why should a grieve a soul that never crossed my path
For It was only in your ending that I could see your beginning
In some ways I wish that you were a mystery to me
That I didn’t have to know you by the gut wrenching headlines
That I never had to see your name next to the word murdered
But that’s not reality
The reality is
Because of a boy I never knew my life has changed forever
I hold onto my brother a little tighter
I selfishly thank the universe that he wasn’t the one who had to go
And I cry because I wish he didn’t have to die to change my life.