Page 18 - Recount Text E-Book for 10th Grade
P. 18

Recount Text | E-Book

                                                     English for 10th Grade

                                                     E-book  English  for  10th  grade  regarding
                                                     Recount Text, basically discusses all tenth
                                                     grade  material  related  to  recount  text.

                                                     Recount  text  is  a  text  that  retells  past
                                                     events that were experienced by someone.

                                                     Has a social function to retell past events
                                                     to  others  with  the  aim  of  entertaining  or
                                                     providing  information.  Recount  text  has

                                                     three  generic  structures  consisting  of
                                                     orientation,  series  of  events,  and  re-

                                                     orientation.  This  book  also  discusses
                                                     language  features  and  types  of  recount


        With this book, it is hoped that it can help students in the learning process
        to  achieve  learning  indicators.  As  well  as  being  able  to  make  students

        become independent learners and learn without the help of a teacher.

                                            NI KOMANG ARI YUNITA DEWI

                                            Born in Karangasem on June 2, 2001. Completed
                                            her  basic  education  at  SDN  2  Budakeling,  and

                                            continued  her  education  at  SMPN  2  Amlapura
                                            and SMAN 2 Amlapura. Now, she is pursuing his
                                            fifth  semester  of  undergraduate  studies  at  the

                                            Ganesha  University  of  Education,  Faculty  of
                                            Languages  and  Arts,  and  is  taking  the  English

                                            Language Education study program.

                      ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION
                      FACULTY OF LANGUAGE AND ART

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