P. 9

Recording at home on your computer

                   1.  Type out your intro on your phone (email) or your laptop.  Please add the
                       following to the intro:

                              At the top of your intro
                              Your name
                              Spell out your name
                              Region and/or Area
                              Wait 5 seconds before beginning
                              At the end of your intro

                              Wait 5 seconds before ending the recording.
                   1.  Go to the following website:
                   2.  Click “Sign Up”.
                   3.  Click on the “Free” plan.
                   4.  Enter in requested info.

                   5.  Enter your script title.
                   6.  Paste your script in the section below that.
                   7.  Hit the “Save” button.
                   8.  Hit the “Start Prompter” button, then the play button on the bottom of the
                       screen and practice a few times to get the timing right. There are options at
                       the bottom that will allow you to enlarge the font and speed-up on slow-down
                       the running text.
                   9.  Make your computer camera is at eye-level.

                   10. When you are ready to try practice, go into Zoom or Microsoft Team and set
                       up a meeting (yes, you will be the only attendee).  Hit record, then pull up the
                       Easy Prompter web page and begin. (Note: receiving the recording in Teams
                       takes longer to receive versus Zoom recordings so you may not get to review
                   11. Before you start recording, make sure are doing the following:
                           •  Make sure computer camera is at eye-level.
                           •  Make sure after you state your name, spell it out, say your Region

                               and/or Area and BU that you pause 5 seconds before starting your
                               intro. We need a buffer between the two parts.
                           •  When you finish recording, wait 5 seconds before you turn off the
                               recording so we don’t get a shot of you reaching towards the
                               computer to turn it off.

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