Page 14 - prim 4 final
P. 14

Delta Modern Language Schools
Science department
Grade 4
1st term 2024-2025

                               Forms of potential energy

Chemical potential                                 Gravitational potential
       energy                                               energy

                               Forms of kinetic energy

Sound kinetic                    Electrical        light kinetic Thermal kinetic
    energy                     kinetic energy
                                                   energy  energy

 Potential energy of any object depends on:

       1. How heavy the object is (the mass of the object).
       2. The height of the object from the earth’s surface.

          In car engine:

 The chemical potential stored in gasoline changes into mechanical
   kineticenergy to move the car.

 Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it changes from one
   form toanother.

 At the beginning of the skating, the skater has the least kinetic energy.
 The skater has the most kinetic energy, when starts jumping and

   flipping inthe air.

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