Page 10 - pocket book
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4 Archipelago Districts, namely Liu
kang Tangaya District, Liukang
Kai mas, Liukang Tupabbiring,
North Liukang Tupabbiring
9 Mainland Districts namely;
Pangkajene, Minasatene, Baloc
ci, Tondong Tallasa, Bongoro, La
bakkang, Ma'rang, Segeri, and
Broadly speaking, the land area of Pangkajene Regency and the Archipelago is
characterized by regional landscapes from lowlands to mountains, where a large
enough potential is also found in the mainland area of Pangkajene Regency and
Islands, which is characterized by the presence of natural resources in the form of
mining products, such as stone, coal, marble and cement. Besides that, the po
tential for natural tourism is able to increase regional income.
There are more than at least 115 islands in the Pangkajene Kepulauan Districts.
Most of these islands are located in the sub-districts of Liukang Tupabbiring, Liu
kang Tangaya, and Liukang Kalmas.