Page 22 - pocket book
P. 22

Ambassadors Go To Kampung KB          --------------

                         Member has Work Programme
                          Kampung KB Sumpang Bita

         a Socio Cultural Section
           No           Prooram Keria           Sumber Dana       Pihak T erkait
          1.    Coaching of Qasidah group      APBDm     district  PKK,KUA
          2.    Implementation of Harvest      APBD, district fund  Dinas Pertanian
          3.    Implementation of Maul id Nabi  SAW  Self subsistent   Majelis   Taklim,
                                                                Remaja    Masjid,
          4.    Coaching of Pakkacaping  group   Self subsistent   Kelurahan
          5.    Training  of  Tarian  Paduppa  dan  Self subsistent   Education   dept,
                Manonoaru                                       Tourism d eot

         II Affection Section

           No           Prooram Keria           Sumber Dana       Pihak T erkait
          1.    Hold jimpitan in each house    Self subsistent   PKK, Community
          2.    Hold the blood  donation       APBD  district fund  Health Deot
          3.    Provide  assistance   to   disaster  APBD,  district fund  BNPB,   Disaster
                affected communities                            board
          4.    Provision   of  contributions   for  Self subsistent   Community
               residents   affected   by   disaster
          5.    Supporting orphans             Self subsistent   Social   service,
          6.    DASHAT,  community  kitchen  anti  Donor        PKK,  field  workers
               stunting                                         community,
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