Page 24 - pocket book
P. 24

Ambassadors Go To Kampung KB

                         Member has Work Programme
                          Kampung KB Sumpang Bita

         II  Protection Section
           No           Proqram Kerja            Sumber Dana      Pihak Terkait
          1.    Counseling of anti drugs       APBD             Helat  Dept,  Police
          2.   Assistanre  to  birth  certificate,  K K ,  APBD  Disdukcapil
          3.   Supporting  management of BPJS  APBD             BPJS   Kesehatan,
                                                                Dinas Kesehatan
          4.    Counseling of anti domestic violence  APBD      DP2KBPA
          5.    Counseliinq of stuntinq prevention  DAK         DP2KBPA
          6.    Coaching of active FP participant  DAK          DP2KBPA
          7.    Coaching  of  impact  of the  juvenile  APBD    Kepolisian
          8.   Street liqht supply             APBD             Kepolisian

         II Production  Section
           No           Proa ram  Keri a         Sumber Dana      Pihak Terkait
          1.    Carry  out  data  collection  on  fertile  Self subsistent   BKKBN
                age couple
          2.    Posyandu  Balita,  Bumi!,  Posbindu,  APBD, District Fund  Health Dept
                Poslansia  (Integrated  service  of
               toddlers,  r egnant, and ageing
          3.    Counselinq to the fertile aqe cnuple   Self subsistent   Health Dept
          4.    Family Planninq Servi e        APBN  District Fund  BKKBN
          5.    Health  counseling  for  cadre  of  APBN, District Fund  BKKBN,   Health
               BKB/BKR/BKL,  PHBS,  Kesling  dan                Dept

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