Page 18 - pocket book
P. 18
Ambassa Go To Kampung KB
Member has Work Programme
Kampung KB Sumpang Bita
a Education and Socialization Section
No Proqram Keria Sumber Dana Pihak T erkait
1. Group Coachinq APBD, District Fund Education Dept
2. Giving vitamins and anthelmintic APBD, District Fund Health Dept,
Health fasilitation
3. Counseling pre marriage APBD, District Fund BKKBN, KUA
4. Sub-PPKBD dan PPKBD, cadre Self- subsistent BKKBN
5. Group Training of BKB, BKR, BKL, Self-subsistent BKKBN
6. Data collection on residents dropping APBD, District Fund PKK , Education
out of school, illiteracy, (Paket A/B/C) Dept, School
IJ Economic Section
No Program Kerja Sumber Dana Pihak T erkait
1. Sewing Training APBD, District Fund BLK, PKK
2. Providing b u siness capital fur SMEs APBD, District Fund Pokrnas
3. Training to make fertilizer from APBD, District Fund Pokrnas
household waste
4. The use of yard which has economic Self subsistent, PKK
valu e APBD
5. Batik Training APBD, District Fund Pokrnas
6. Training of brown sugar making Self subsistent Trading D e pt
7. Coaching UPPKA Self subsistent DP2KBPA,