Page 14 - pocket book
P. 14
Ambassa Go To Kampung KB
Kampung KB
SUMPANGBITTA KB Village is a family planning village located in RW 3 which is
the Tourism Area of Balloci Baru Village, Balocci District, Pangkajene Regency,
South Sulawesi Province. This KB village was formed on December l, 2020 which
was determined by the New Balocci Village Head (lurah).
The profile of the Sumpangbitta KB Village is:
The population of Balocci Baru Village is 3,703 people
Most of the occupations of the residents of RW 3 Sumpangbitta Village are Farm
The number of couples of childbearing age in RW 3 Sumbangbitta is 114 people
The number of Catin is 3 people
The number of pregnant women is 6 people
The number of Busui is 20 people
Number of Baduta (0-22 Months) is 21 People
Number of Toddlers (24-59 Months) is 31 People
The number of elderly in Balocci Baru Village is 237 people
The number of children affected by stunting is O people
Number of BKB formed l group, namely BKB Orchid