Page 12 - Grassroots Issue 1 - January/ 2016
P. 12

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      It's not the easiest job in the world. In fact, premier women's
      it is far from being easy at all.               footy.

      Dedication, health, the ability to make quick She was also selected
      decisions - not to mention being thick t o j o i n t h e N Z R L
      skinned.                                        referees elite academy.

      "A tough and gruelling job" some have           "When you're on the field, you're not only
      called it. But someone has to do it, and more   proving that you're a female, but that you
      women are putting their hands up to get the     know the rules and you can keep control.
      job done - Antoinette Grootjans is one of       "I've got the power, I've got the whistle, so
      them, a Rugby League Referee.                   they have to listen to me.
      Antoinette Grootjans has her sights on          "Generally when they're raging its heat of the
      becoming the first female to referee an NRL      moment, so I stay calm because they're
      game. She is determined to make it to the       going to bounce off me.

      After a phone call to John McKeown,             "I want to be known as a good referee," she
      Auckland Rugby League's former Referees         says.
      Development Officer, her plan to tackle the      You can read/ watch Antoinette's story here:
      big league was underway.              
      "He told me to bring a whistle and boots and    native-affairs-summer-series--game-changer
      that was that," she says.

      "I was terrible, I was shocking, but I was

      In her third year as a referee, Antoinette had
      refereed school games, premier men's and

                                                                               2016Issue 1 - January /
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