Page 98 - Laporan Tahunan PPZ-MAIWP 2021
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96 Lensa 2021
Laporan Tahunan 2021 2021 Lens
Annual Report 2021
15. 2 September 2021. Ujian Security Posture Assessment (SPA) 2021 bertujuan
membolehkan pihak PPZ-MAIWP mengesan kerentanan (vulnerabilities)
keselamatan (safety) dan kelemahan (weaknesses) sistem yang ada di premis
PPZ-MAIWP. Antara skop kerja yag dilaksanakan adalah Internal Penetration Test
(IPT) melibatkan host for 1 DMZ Server Segment, Network Scanning, Network
Architecture Review. Kedua adalah External Penetration melibatkan (Test (EPT)
2 Public IPs), ketiga adalah Web Application Security Assessment (WASA)
melibatkan tiga pelayan. Keempat adalah Database Security Assessment (DBA)
melibatkan satu pelayan. Kelima adalah Hardening Workshop Guidance melibatkan IPT, EPT, WASA, DBA.
Keenam pula ada Post Assessment melibatkan IPT, EPT, WASA, DBA. Ketujuh merupakan Reporting (SPA
Reports) dan kelapan adalah Value Added (Security Awareness Session).
2 September 2021. The Security Posture Assessment (SPA) 2021 Test aimed to enable PPZ- MAIWP to
detect vulnerabilities, safety and weaknesses of the system at the premise of PPZ-MAIWP. Among the scope
of work carried out was the Internal Penetration Test (IPT) involving the host for 1 DMZ Server Segment,
Network Scanning, and Network Architecture Review. The second was the External Penetration involving
(Test [EPT] 2 Public IPs), and the third was the Web Application Security Assessment (WASA) involving three
servers. The fourth was the Database Security Assessment (DBA), involving one server. Fifth was the Hardening
Workshop Guidance involving IPT, EPT, WASA, and DBA, while the sixth was the Post Assessment involving
IPT, EPT, WASA, and DBA. The seventh was Reporting (SPA Reports), and the eighth was Value Added
(Security Awareness Session).
16. 2 September 2021. Pembentangan Artificial
Intelligence. Akademi Zakat (AZKA-PPZ)
dengan kerjasama Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
(UTM) telah mengadakan satu pembentangan
Artificial Intelligence yang dibentangkan oleh
Kumpulan Pakar Cyber Physical System
daripada Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM),
bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan chartbox,
rekod pengunjung ke web dan mengesan
aktiviti pengunjung, tujuan promosi, analisis
sentimen, ramalan kutipan akan datang (sales
forecasting), keselamatan siber dan penjimatan
perbelanjaan kerana dapat mengurangkan kesilapan.
2 September 2021. Presentation on Artificial Intelligence. Akademi Zakat (AZKA-PPZ), in collaboration
with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), held a presentation on Artificial Intelligence with the Cyber-
Physical System Research Group from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) as the presenter to introduce
the chatbox, web visitors record and tracking visitors activities, promotional purposes, sentiment analysis,
sales forecasting, cyber security and cost savings from error reduction.