Page 99 - Laporan Tahunan PPZ-MAIWP 2021
P. 99

Lensa 2021                                                                                       97
            2021 Lens
                                                                                           Puzat Pungutan Zakat-MAIWP
                                                                                          Zakat Collection Center-MAIWP

            17.  11  September  2021.  Perlaksanaan  Pengujian
                 BCP 2021 Dilakukan Pada 11 September
                 2021-18 September 2021. Tujuan BCP adalah
                 untuk  menguji  Prosedur  Pelan  Kesinambungan
                 Perniagaan (BCP) bagi memastikan warga kerja
                 dan pemegang proses mahir dan lebih cekap
                 mengendalikan aktiviti BCP ini. Untuk ujian kali
                 ini melibatkan insiden “Database SiZA Failure”
                 disebabkan “Server Siza hardware failure (network
                 interface  card error).  troubleshoot,  install &
                 configure  with new hardware”. Kesan daripada
                 ujian ini mengganggu operasi syarikat, sistem berkaitan tidak berfungsi, bayaran di atas talian tidak
                 dapat dilaksanakan. Sistem yang terkesan adalah SiZA DB,, Zakat2U, Portal, e-Kaunter, e-Fem,
                 e-Wakalah dan e-Stok. Pasukan yang terlibat adalah Pasukan Insiden dan BCP (Unit USR, UST, USAS,
                 UPWA) dan pengguna (Unit UKW, UKK, USM, UKMOD, UPP, UPL).
                 11 September 2021. BCP 2021 Testing Implementation Conducted On 11 September 2021-18
                 September 2021. The BCP aimed to test the Business Continuity Plan Procedures (BCP) to ensure that
                 employees and process holders are skilled and more efficient in handling these BCP activities. This test
                 involved the “Database SiZA Failure” incident due to Server Siza hardware failure (network interface card
                 error), troubleshoot, install & configure with new hardware”. The effects of this test were the disruption
                 of the company’s operations. The related system did not function, and that online payment could not be
                 carried out. SiZA DB,, Zakat2U, Portal, e-Kaunter, e-Fem, e-Wakalah and e-Stok were the affected
                 platforms. The teams involved were the Incident Team and BCP (USR, UST, USAS, UPWA Unit) and users
                 (UKW, UKK, USM, UKMOD, UPP, UPL Unit).

            18.  9 September 2021. Pembentangan Kaji Selidik
                 Portal Dan Aplikasi  MYWakalah. Akademi
                 Zakat (AZKA-PPZ) telah mengadakan satu
                 pembentangan  kaji  selidik  portal  dan  aplikasi
                 MYWakalah. Soalan telah dihantar kepada seramai
                 2141 responden dan yang menjawab soalan ialah
                 seramai 419 orang. Tujuan kaji selidik adalah untuk
                 membolehkan PPZ-MAIWP menambah baik portal
        dan aplikasi MYWakalah.
                 9 September 2021. Presentation on MyWakalah
                 Application and Portal Survey. Akademi Zakat
                 (AZKA-PPZ) held a presentation on MYWakalah Application and portal survey. Questionnaires were sent to
                 2141 respondents, and 419 responded to the questions. The study aimed to enable PPZ-MAIWP to improve
                 the portal and the MYWakalah application.
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