Page 28 - Laporan Tahunan 2020 PPZ-MAIWP
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                                                                                 LAPORAN T

            26                                                                   LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2020 ANNUAL REPORT T
                    ORGANISASI PPZ-MAIWP
                    PPZ-MAIWP ORGANISATION

            Tahun 2020 ini genap usia PPZ beroperasi sejak     The  year 2020 marks 30  years of PPZ in operations.
            30  tahun. Syukur ke hadrat Illahi, satu pencapaian   We  are  grateful  to  Allah  SWT  for  the  encouraging
            memberangsangkan dengan kutipan zakat RM756 juta   achievement  with zakat collection of RM756 million
            (11%). Golongan pembayar melonjak 167,137 (279%)   (11%). The number of payers soared to 167,137 (279%) as
            berbanding 2019.                                   compared to 2019.

            KUALITI                                            QUALITY
            Hartasuci Sdn. Bhd. syarikat  yang mengurus Pusat   Hartasuci Sdn.  Bhd., which managed the Zakat Collection
            Pungutan Zakat (PPZ) berjaya mengekalkan sijil sistem   Centre  (PPZ),  has  successfully  maintained  the  quality
            pengurusan kualiti MS ISO 9001:2015.Sijil yang dipegang     management system MS ISO 9001:2015 certification,
            sejak  tahun 2002 atas lima skop perkhidmatan.     held since 2002, in five areas of services. The provision
            Penyediaan skop perkhidmatan bayaran itu adalah    of payment services is for the counters, salary deduction
            kaunter, skim potongan gaji, pos, kaunter bank dan   scheme, postal, bank counters, and the replacement of
            penggantian resit &  penyata zakat untuk pembayar.  receipts & zakat statements for payers.

            KESELAMATAN MAKLUMAT                               INFORMATION SECURITY
            Dalam  tahun 2020, PPZ mengekalkan sijil sistem    In  the  year 2020,  PPZ  maintained  its information
            pengurusan   keselamatan  maklumat   MS   ISO/IEC  security management system MS ISO/IEC 27001:2013
            27001:2013. Sijil  ini  diperolehi sejak 2014. Skop sistem   certification.    This certification has been obtained
            pengurusan  keselamatan  maklumat  (ISMS)  mencakupi   since 2014.  The information security management
            pengurusan,   pengoperasian,  pembangunan    dan   system (ISMS) involved the management, operations,
            penyelenggaraan Sistem Integrasi Zakat (SiZA).     development and maintenance of the Zakat Integration
                                                               System (SiZA).
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